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Interim Hearings - Week of September 12, 2016

Interim Hearings - Week of September 12

Today's Committee Meetings on the LRL website is a calendar of interim committee hearings with links to agendas. Below are resources related to upcoming Interim Hearings.

September 12 Top

Senate Committee on Higher Education

Charge: Regional workforce needs in the state, baccalaureate degrees at public community colleges

Charge: Implementation of legislation, specifically:

  1. Initiatives designed to create effective, clear transfer pathways for students, including the newly enacted multidisciplinary studies associate degree
  2. Implementation and progress of the Math and Science Scholars Loan Repayment Program
  3. Progress of pilot program enacted by the 83rd Legislature relating to improving student loan default rates and financial aid literacy among postsecondary students


September 13 Top

House Committees on Defense & Veterans' Affairs and Higher Education (Joint Hearing) 

Joint charge: Hazlewood Act


House Select Committee on State & Federal Power & Responsibility

Charge 1: Extent to which state regulation and policy are influenced by mandates attached to federal funding

Charge 2: Resolutions approved by the Legislature during recent legislative sessions calling on the federal government to take certain actions, and actions taken


Charge 3: Texas statutes prohibiting or restricting investment in foreign nations


Topic: Article V

Senate Committee on Education

Charge: Digital learning, school broadband access

Charge: Monitor implementation of legislation, specifically legislation to establish criteria for alternative measures of assessments to meet high school graduation requirements


Senate Committee on Health & Human Services

Charge: Monitor implementation of legislation and riders, including but not limited to:

  • The impact of changes made by the Department of Family and Protective Services, Child Protective Services on child safety, workforce retention, prevention, and permanency;
  • Initiatives to reduce Medicaid fraud, waste and abuse, and other cost containment strategies, including examining the processes and procedures used by managed care organizations to address Medicaid fraud, waste and abuse; and
  • The consolidation and expansion of women's health programs at the Health and Human Services Commission.

Charge: Impact of the Section 1115 Texas Healthcare Transformation and Quality Improvement Program Waiver; other mechanisms to control costs and increase quality and efficiency in the Medicaid program, including the pursuit of a block grant or a Section 1332 Medicaid State Innovation Waiver

September 14 Top

Joint Legislative Committee on Health & Human Services Transition, Oversight

Charge: Short-term lending industry in Texas, consumer access to credit, consumer protections

Charge 2: Family law and parent-child relationship statutes and application of foreign law

Charge 3: Self-represented litigants

Charge 5: Implementation of expedited action provisions of HB 274, 82nd Legislature, R.S.

Senate Committee on Education

Charge: School choice, education savings account and tax credit scholarship programs

Charge: Monitor implementation of legislation, specifically:

Senate Committee on State Affairs  

Charge: Guardianships 

Charge: Public integrity unit under authority of Texas Rangers 


Charge: Practice of using public funds and employees for the payment processing of union dues 

Senate Committee on Transportation

Topic: Overview and update from the Texas Department of Transportation, the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles, and the Texas Department of Public Safety

Charge: New and anticipated revenue appropriated to the Texas Department of Transportation and recommendations that address project prioritization and selection, effectiveness of staffing levels and project delivery methods

Charge: Monitor implementation of legislation, specifically:

1.      Progress of the Texas Department of Transportation's efforts to propose a plan to eliminate toll roads

2.      Removing eminent domain authority from private toll corporations

3.      Ending the issuing of any new debt from the Texas Mobility Fund (TMF) and prohibiting future use of the TMF on toll projects


September 15 Top

Senate Committee on Finance                 

Charge: Monitor implementation of legislation, specifically:

  1. Tax relief provided to property owners
  2. Gradual phase out of the franchise tax
  3. Support for and the enhancement of graduate medical education
  4. Efforts of the Department of Information Resources (DIR) to modernize the technology of state agencies
  5. Implementation of required changes to state agency contracting, purchasing, and accounting procedures
  6. Monitor the implementation of Health and Human Services Commission Rider 50


Senate Select Committee on Texas Ports

Topic: Economic impact that inland waterways, coastal ports and inland ports have on the state economy

Topic: Future impact that the Panama Canal expansion will have on Texas ports


Interim Hearings - Week of September 5, 2016

Interim Hearings - Week of September 5

Today's Committee Meetings on the LRL website is a calendar of interim committee hearings with links to agendas. Below are resources related to upcoming Interim Hearings.


September 7

House Committee on Juvenile Justice & Family Issues    

Charge 1: Youth recruited into human trafficking, pipeline from foster care


Charge 2: Data collection and sharing practices between Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS), Texas Juvenile Justice Department (TJJD), and local juvenile probation departments

Charge 3: Early education and parenting support and education programs, implementation of HB 2630, 84th Legislature, R.S.

Charge 4: Juvenile justice regionalization planning and implementation of SB 1630, 84th Legislature, R.S.

Charge 5: Juvenile justice penalties and sanctions determined by or disallowed by age of the juvenile


Charge 6: Family Code's treatment of grandparents in the parent-child relationship, changes to address the growing population of grandparents

Charge 7: Legislative oversight and monitoring of agencies


Interim Hearings - Week of August 29, 2016

Interim Hearings - Week of August 29

Today's Committee Meetings on the LRL website is a calendar of interim committee hearings with links to agendas. Below are resources related to upcoming Interim Hearings.


August 29 Top

House Committee on County Affairs 

Charge: County cybersecurity policies


Charge: Legislative oversight and monitoring of agencies, including Child Protective Services, 1115 Transformation Waiver, and criminal justice programs in Bexar County


August 30 Top

House Committee on Transportation

Topic: TxDOT Rail Division

Topic: TxDOT Rural Transit Division

Topic: TxDOT General Aviation Division

Topic: TxDOT HB 2612 report

Topic: TxDOT on utility relocation

Topic: Presentation from TTI on Transportation Network Companies

House Select Committee on Transportation Planning

Topic: Update from TxDOT working group on project selection criteria, rules and policies for project prioritization and selection, and funding categories

August 31 Top

House Committee on Urban Affairs

Charge 1: Demographic trends in Texas for affordable housing and senior housing 

Charge 2: Gentrification's effect on affordable housing 

Charge 3: Guidelines for the appraisal of Affordable Housing Properties financed with Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC) 

Charge 4: Current Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs preservation programs for rural rental housing 



Interim Hearings - Week of August 22, 2016

Interim Hearings - Week of August 22 

Today's Committee Meetings on the LRL website is a calendar of interim committee hearings with links to agendas. Below are resources related to upcoming Interim Hearings.

Week of August 22

August 22 Top

House Committee on Land & Resource Management

Charge: Coastal erosion

Charge: Natural disaster preparedness and response 

August 23 Top

House Committee on Special Purpose Districts

Charge 1: Municipal Management Districts and/or Improvement Districts 


Charge 2: Legislative oversight and monitoring of agencies, including opportunities to streamline the purpose of multiple districts created within the same area, while maintaining the mission of special purpose districts

Charge: Occupational licensing

Charge: Regulatory functions across agencies and departments

Charge: Powdered alcohol and impact on underage drinking

Charge: Legislative oversight and monitoring of agencies


Senate Committee on Criminal Justice

Charge 7: Civil asset forfeiture laws

Topic: Bullying in Texas schools, cyberbullying in the digital age

Senate Committee on Higher Education

Charge: Tuition and fee waivers and exemptions, tuition set-asides, financial aid

August 24 Top

Charge 13: Review of current public education programs administered by the Texas Education Agency that are funded outside of the Foundation School Program

House Committee on Defense & Veterans' Affairs

Topic 1: Maintaining military value of defense installations and communities

House Committee on Criminal Jurisprudence

Charge 1: GPS monitoring in protective orders, family violence prevention

August 25 Top

Joint Interim Committee to Study Development of a Cruise Industry

Topic: Development and potential economic impact of a cruise industry on the Texas coast between Calhoun and Cameron counties




Interim Hearings - Week of August 15, 2016

Interim Hearings - Week of August 15 

Today's Committee Meetings on the LRL website is a calendar of interim committee hearings with links to agendas. Below are resources related to upcoming Interim Hearings.

August 15 Top

House Committee on State Affairs

Charge: Contracting monitoring, compliance, performance evaluation and notification requirements for contracting procedures

Charge: Administrative process used to determine utility rates

Charge: How Public Utility Commission of Texas and utility providers can ensure consumer protection regarding metering devices for water, gas, and electricity service

Senate Committee on Intergovernmental Relations

Charge 2: Home rule municipalities, adoption of ordinances

Charge 4: Municipal management districts (MMDs)

Charge 5: Statutes and Rules that govern Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs in light of the recent Supreme Court decision in Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs et al. v. Inclusive Communities Project, Inc., et al.

Charge 6: Government accountability in elections - improve transparency regarding public debt

August 16 Top


House Select Committee on Mental Health

Invited testimony on Mental/behavioral health care services in Texas, including, but not limited to substance abuse, homelessness,  veterans, gaps in programs, and improving delivery of services

Senate Committee on Education

Charge: School board governance policies and practices, school board training requirements, suggestions for better student outcomes, particularly within the framework set for low-performing schools in HB 1842, 84th Legislature, R.S.

Charge: Monitor implementation of legislation, specifically initiatives to build a high-quality pre-kindergarten grant program; and legislation to raise standards of teacher preparation programs and establish a more consistent, high-quality accountability system

August 17 Top

House Select Committee on Mental Health

Public testimony on mental health/behavioral health care services in Texas


August 18 Top

Joint Interim Committee on Advertising Public Notices

Topic: Rules and organizational business

Topic: Use of technology in posting and advertising to the public of legally required notices


Interim Hearings - Week of August 1, 2016

Interim Hearings - Week of August 1

Today's Committee Meetings on the LRL website is a calendar of interim committee hearings with links to agendas. Below are resources related to upcoming Interim Hearings.

August 2 Top

House Research Organization Steering Committee

Topic: House Research Organization budget for fiscal 2017


August 3 Top

Senate Committee on Education

Charge: Comprehensive performance review of all public schools in Texas


Charge: Structure and performance of Harris County Department of Education and Dallas County Schools

  • Texas Education Code § 11.301, Application of Former Law
  • Vernon's Texas Codes Annotated, Texas Education Code, Volume 2, Title 2 - Appendix - Former Chapters with Continued Application (Former Education Code Chapter 17, County Administration and Chapter 18, Countywide Equalization Fund or County Unit System of Equalization Taxation), Library Call Number: LAW-TEX




Charge: Monitor implementation of legislation, specifically legislation to require a minimum number of minutes of instruction for each school year

August 4 Top

House Committee on County Affairs 

Charge: County cybersecurity policies

Charge: Texas Commission on Jail Standards, resources and structure in oversight, regulation, and enforcement of county jails 

Charge: Internet publication of mug shots and criminal history information  

Charge: Services provided by sheriffs and constables and whether fee schedules allow cost recovery

Charge: Legislative oversight and monitoring of agencies, including Child Protective Services and 1115 Transformation Waiver


Interim Hearings - Week of July 25, 2016

Interim Hearings - Week of July 25  

Today's Committee Meetings on the LRL website is a calendar of interim committee hearings with links to agendas. Below are resources related to upcoming Interim Hearings.


July 25

Charge: Surface water and groundwater


Charge: State Water Plan


Charge: Monitor implementation of legislation, specifically monitor the Texas Water Development Board's process in the identification and designation of brackish groundwater zones


Topic: Report and testimony from the Comptroller of Public Accounts regarding the financial condition of this state


Interim Hearings - Week of July 18, 2016

Interim Hearings - Week of July 18

Today's Committee Meetings on the LRL website is a calendar of interim committee hearings with links to agendas. Below are resources related to upcoming Interim Hearings.

July 18 Top

Charge: Funding the state's transportation including Proposition 1, 83rd 3rd C.S., and Proposition 7, 84th R.S.; budget structure for TxDOT


July 19 Top

House Committee on Appropriations

Charge 16: Effectiveness of the Department of Public Safety's use of border security funds, border security metrics

House Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittee on Articles I, IV & V  Charge: Deferred maintenance and physical plant needs of state buildings


July 21Top

House Committee on County Affairs 

Charge: County cybersecurity policies


Charge: Texas Commission on Jail Standards, resources and structure in oversight, regulation, and enforcement of county jails 


Charge: Internet publication of mug shots and criminal history information  


Charge: Services provided by sheriffs and constables and whether fee schedules allow cost recovery


Charge: Legislative oversight and monitoring of agencies, including Child Protective Services and 1115 Transformation Waiver


Joint Oversight Committee on Government Facilities 

Topic: Status of deferred maintenance and new buildings in the Capitol Complex and North Austin Complex approved by the 84th Legislature


Interim Hearings - Weeks of July 4 and 11, 2016

Interim Hearings - Weeks of July 4 and 11

Today's Committee Meetings on the LRL website is a calendar of interim committee hearings with links to agendas. Below are resources related to upcoming Interim Hearings.

July 7 Top

House Committee on County Affairs

Charge: Texas Commission on Jail Standards, resources and structure in oversight, regulation, and enforcement of county jails 

Charge: Internet publication of mug shots and criminal history information  

Charge: Risk and mitigation of wildfires, floods, and other natural hazards in the wildland-urban interface; natural disasters  

Charge: County cybersecurity policies

Charge: Services provided by sheriffs and constables and whether fee schedules allow cost recovery

Charge: Legislative oversight and monitoring of agencies, including Child Protective Services and 1115 Transformation Waiver

July 12 Top

Charge 4: State agencies' use of emergency leave and settlement payments

House Committee on Human Services

Charge 3: Foster care system

July 13 Top

House Committees on Appropriations, Subcommittee on Article II and Public Health (Joint Hearing)

Joint charge: Trauma system in the state of Texas

Charge 9: Hospital reimbursement methodologies, including rural and children's hospitals; extension of the Texas Healthcare Transformation and Quality Improvement 1115 waiver

Topic: State Water Implementation Fund for Texas (SWIFT)


Interim Hearings - Week of June 20, 2016

Interim Hearings - Week of June 20

Today's Committee Meetings on the LRL website is a calendar of interim committee hearings with links to agendas. Below are resources related to upcoming Interim Hearings.


June 20   Top

Charge: State Water Plan

June 21  Top

House Committee on Higher Education

Charge 6: Educational opportunities for non-traditional students, adult learners

June 23  Top

Overview of Sunset process and schedule; approval of operating budget and rules; discussion and approval of changes to across-the-board recommendations

Staff presentation and public testimony (public input form for agencies under review)


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