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Bill Statistics, 133rd Day

Bill statistics comparing the 133rd day of the 85th and the 84th Regular Sessions are below. For information about what happens to a bill after it passes, please see our Legislative FAQ page. To learn more about the legislative process and see bill statistics for earlier points in the 85th Regular Session, check out some of our recent blog posts


Bill Statistics & Upcoming Deadlines, May 15


As the 85th Legislature draws to a close, a series of end-of-session deadlines begins to take effect. Below is a list of deadlines that occur next week:

  • Monday, May 22: Deadline for house to distribute last House Local & Consent Calendar with senate bills.
  • Tuesday, May 23: Last day for house to consider second reading senate bills and senate joint resolutions on the House Daily or Supplemental Calendar.
  • Wednesday, May 24: Last day for house to consider local and consent senate bills on second and third reading, and all third reading senate bills and senate joint resolutions on the House Supplemental Calendar. Last day for senate to consider all bills and joint resolutions on second or third reading.
  • Thursday, May 25: Midnight deadline for house to distribute senate amendments.
  • Friday, May 26: Last day for house to act on senate amendments. Midnight deadline for senate to print and distribute senate copies of conference committee reports on tax, general appropriations, and reapportionment bills.
  • Saturday, May 27: Midnight deadline for house to distribute house copies of all conference committee reports. Midnight deadline for senate to print and distribute senate copies of all conference committee reports on bills other than tax, general appropriations, and reapportionment bills, and all house amendments to senate bills and joint resolutions that did not go to a conference committee.
  • Sunday, May 28: Last day for house to adopt conference committee reports or discharge house conferees and concur in senate amendments. Last day for senate to concur in house amendments or adopt conference committee reports.
  • Monday, May 29: Last day of the 85th Regular Session (sine die); only corrections may be considered in house and senate.

House and Senate calendars are available on Texas Legislature Online, and Senate agendas are available in hard copy from the library (Rm. 2N.3). 


Bill statistics for the period of Nov. 14, 2016 - May 14, 2017 are below. For information about what happens to a bill after it passes, please see our Legislative FAQ page.


  House Bills (HB) & Joint Resolutions (HJR) Senate Bills (SB) & Joint Resolutions (SJR)
Filed  4,444 2,356
Reported out of committee 1,915 1,003
Passed by chamber of origin 1,017 846
Referred to committee in opposite chamber 842 757
Reported out of committee in opposite chamber 160 339
Passed opposite chamber 82 88
Sent to the Governor (bills only) 21 55
Signed by the Governor (bills only) 1 5




Bill Statistics & Upcoming Deadlines, May 8


As the 85th Legislature draws to a close, a series of end-of-session deadlines begins to take effect. Below is a list of deadlines that occur next week:

  • Wednesday, May 17: 9 a.m. Deadline for house to distribute its last House Local & Consent Calendar with local house bills.
  • Friday, May 19: Last day for house to consider local house bills on second and third reading. First day senate can consider bills and resolutions the first day they are posted on the Senate Intent Calendar.
  • Saturday, May 20: Last day for house committees to report senate bills and senate joint resolutions.
  • Sunday, May 21: 10 p.m. Deadline for house to distribute its last House Daily Calendar with senate bills and senate joint resolutions.

House and Senate calendars are available on the Texas Legislature Online, and Senate agendas are available in hard copy from the library (Rm. 2N.3). 


Bill statistics for the period of Nov. 14, 2016 - May 7, 2017 are below.


  House Bills (HB) & Joint Resolutions (HJR) Senate Bills (SB) & Joint Resolutions (SJR)
Filed  4,443 2,351
Reported out of committee 1,885 967
Passed by chamber of origin 769 747
Referred to committee in opposite chamber 355 446
Reported out of committee in opposite chamber 42 144
Passed opposite chamber 13 38
Sent to the Governor 1 7
Signed by the Governor 1 3




Bills in the News: High-Speed Rail

In this occasional post, we feature topics receiving widespread media coverage, tips for finding bills filed during the 85th legislative session, and related resources.


Bill Search



Search with the subjects Transportation--Mass Transit (I0823) and Transportation--Railroads (I0821) to find bills related to high-speed rail. Be sure to click on the radio button next to "And" so that bills with both subjects assigned will be returned in your search.






Bill Statistics & Upcoming Deadlines, May 1

As the 85th Legislature draws to a close, a series of end-of-session deadlines begin to take effect. Below is a list of deadlines that occur next week:

  • Monday, May 8: Last day for house committees to report house bills and house joint resolutions.
  • Tuesday, May 9: Deadline for house to distribute last House Daily Calendar with house bills and joint resolutions.
  • Wednesday, May 10: Deadline for house to distribute last House Local and Consent Calendar with consent house bills.
  • Thursday, May 11: Last day for house to consider house bills and joint resolutions on second reading on House Daily or Supplemental Calendar.
  • Friday, May 12: Last day for house to consider consent house bills on second and third reading and all third reading house bills or joint resolutions on House Supplemental Calendar.

House and Senate calendars are available on the Texas Legislature Online, and Senate agendas are available in hard copy from the library (Rm. 2N.3). 

Bill statistics for the period of Nov. 14, 2016 - April 30, 2017 are below.

  House Bills (HB) & Joint Resolutions (HJR) Senate Bills (SB) & Joint Resolutions (SJR)
Filed  4,441 2,346
Reported out of committee 1,535 824
Passed by chamber of origin 381 581
Referred to committee in opposite chamber 76 132
Reported out of committee in opposite chamber 1 37
Passed opposite chamber 1 7
Signed by the Governor 0 0


Members Reunion Day, 2017

The large tent that appears on the south lawn of the Capitol near the end of every session is as reliable a marker of Spring as the arrival of the bluebonnets. The white canopy serves as the customary venue for the Members Reunion Day luncheon, part of a perennial celebration of House service that takes place this week on April 28.


All current and former House members are invited to the event, which begins with breakfast in the Capitol and concludes with barbecue under the big top. In between, current members will take a pause from their legislative duties to pay tribute to previous members and Speakers.



Setting aside time to honor the leadership is a long-standing tradition in the House of Representatives. With a few exceptions, Speaker's Day—as it was originally known—has been held every session since 1876.


For much of its history, Speaker’s Day was a congratulatory observance with a solitary focus. Common features of the early days included poetry, public tributes, and other forms of high praise. The popular “presentation of gifts” consisted of traditional keepsakes, such as watches, Bibles, cuff-buttons, and tea services.


In later years, popular music and good-natured satire accompanied the lofty language used in earlier celebrations. By the 1940s, lauding the Speaker with polished prose was out of fashion, and more colorful forms of expression made their way into the mix.


In 1943, for example, Representative Will Smith enchanted House members with his own clever couplet:

If I've grown old and there's silver in my hair.
Speaker Price Daniel put it there.

A choral club from Dallas regaled Speaker William Otey Reed in 1947 with a tender rendition of "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes."



Although the focus and name of the day have changed, Members Reunion Day perpetuates the same celebratory spirit and sense of common purpose as the earliest commemorations. A similar motivation is reflected in the Senate, which has its own tradition dating back to 2003.



This week the Senate will also take a break from the rigors of the legislative session to celebrate the service of former senators. Former Members Day, as it is called in the Senate, begins with a dinner on Wednesday, April 26. A ceremony honoring living and deceased former members will take place in the Senate chamber following breakfast on Thursday. Senators who served in the military will receive special recognition this session.


During the ceremony, former senators will be seated within the rail of the Senate, and the names of senators who have died since the last official gathering will be read. As a lasting tribute, copies of the Senate's biennial publication, A State of Remembrance, will be distributed to members.

Bills in the News: Sexual Assault on Campus

In this occasional post, we feature topics receiving widespread media coverage, tips for finding bills filed during the 85th legislative session, and related resources.


Bill Search

Search with the subjects Crimes--Against Persons--Sexual (I0171) AND Education--Higher--Institutions & Programs (I0223) to find bills related to sexual assault on college campuses. Be sure to click on the radio button next to "And" so that bills with both subjects assigned will be returned in your search.






Bill Filing Deadline Statistics, 85th Legislature

Friday marked the bill filing deadline for the 85th Regular Session. When the deadline had passed, a total of 6,654 bills and joint resolutions had been filed. How does this compare to previous sessions?


60-Day Bill Filing Deadline FAQ

60-Day Filing Deadline F.A.Q.:

When is the deadline for filing bills?

The deadline for filing bills and joint resolutions, other than local bills, emergency appropriations, and bills that have been declared an emergency by the governor, is the 60th calendar day after the legislature convenes for its regular session.


When is the 60-day filing deadline for the 85th regular session of the Texas Legislature?

Friday, March 10th, 2017.


Where can I find the other deadlines for the 85th regular session?

Other significant dates can be found on the Legislative Council's Dates of Interest page. The Texas Legislative Council also created a calendar showing deadlines for action under the House and Senate Rules for the last month of the regular session. End-of-session deadline calendars and dates of interest for previous sessions are available on our website: Session Deadline Calendars.


What happens next?

As indicated in Sec. 5(b), Art. III of the Texas Constitution, for the next 30 days of the regular legislative session, the committees of each chamber hold hearings to consider all bills, resolutions, and other undecided matters.


Did you know?:

  • After the 60-day filing deadline during a regular session, any proposed bill or joint resolution requires permission to introduce by an affirmative vote of four-fifths of those members present and voting (see Senate Rule 7.07(b) and House Rule 8, Sec.8) Local bills, emergency appropriations, and emergency matters submitted by the governor are not subject to these rules.

Bill Statistics at the 45th Day of Session

Thursday, February 23 marked the 45th day of the 85th Regular Session. That means we're 3/4 of the way to the 60-day bill filing deadline, which is Friday, March 10, 2017. For those who are curious, here is a look at bill statistics in comparison to a similar period last session.


Bills and Joint Resolutions
84th Regular Session

(Nov. 10, 2014-Feb. 26, 2015)
85th Regular Session

(Nov. 14, 2016-Feb. 23, 2017)
House filed 2,057 2,396
Senate filed 834 1,094
Total filed 2,891 3,490
House referred to committee 837 1,024
Senate referred to committee 721 814
Total referred to committee 1,558 1,838
House scheduled for hearing 25 3
Senate scheduled for hearing 24 32
Total scheduled for hearing 49 35
House reported out of committee 2 2
Senate reported out of committee 5 23
Total reported out of committee 7 25


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