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Legislative Reference Library of Texas
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LRL Celebrates National Library Week - April 8-14, 2012

National Library Week LogoIn celebration of National Library Week, we invite you to a game of LRL Trivial Pursuit! Answers will be revealed later this week.
  1. TRUE or FALSE: It is illegal to pick bluebonnets in Texas.
  2. What year was the first standardized test administered in Texas public schools and what was it called?
  3. Which former House member from Washington County cast his first presidential vote for Grover Cleveland, was invited to attend the inaugural ball for Governor James S. Hogg, and was a relative of one of the writers of the Texas State Flower Song, "Bluebonnets"?
  4. There are two busts in the artwork collection on display in the LRL. One is Sam Houston, who is the other?  [Hint: these two may require a field trip to Capitol Room 2N.3!]
  5. When was the last time a Governor's veto was overridden by the Legislature?
Watch for more activities during the week!

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