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Legislative Reference Library of Texas
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Texas Redistricting Cases

Three cases related to Texas redistricting are pending before the U.S. Supreme Court. The following article from SCOTUSBlog provides background and analysis: What's at stake in the Texas election cases? (12/04/11)

To track news about these cases, as well as other developments related to the 2011 Texas redistricting cycle, please visit:

Texas Redistricting Library (Texas Legislative Council)
Texas Redistricting (independent blog)

Below are documents related to the cases. Additional documents are available and may be linked from the TLC Redistricting Library or Texas Redistricting (mentioned above).

Court orders (U.S. District Court in San Antonio) and court-ordered maps for Texas House, Senate, and Congressional districts:
House districts (filed 11/23/11)
Senate districts (filed 11/23/11)
Congressional districts (filed 11/26/11)
Majority's new opinion, and Judge Smith's dissent (filed 12/02/11)

State's applications to the U.S. Supreme Court for stay of court-ordered plans:
House and Senate maps:
Attorney General Abbott Seeks Emergency Stay, Asks U.S. Supreme Court to Overturn Interim Redistricting Maps (Press release and documents)
Congressional maps

Briefs on the stay request for the Texas House and Senate districts were due 12/2/11 and briefs on the stay request for Texas Congressional districts were due 12/5/11.

Update: U.S. Supreme Court grants applications for stay. (12/9/11)