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Interim Hearings - Weeks of October 1 and 8, 2012

Today's Committee Meetings on the LRL website is a calendar of interim committee hearings with links to agendas. Below are resources related to upcoming Interim Hearings, and a list of upcoming Budget Hearings.


October 5th

House Committee on Higher Education

Charge:  Research funding


October 8th

House Committee on Appropriations - S/C on Articles VI, VII, & VIII and Urban Affairs (Joint Hearing) Charge: Homelessness

House Committee on Business & Industry 

Charge:  Adverse possession


Charge: Deed restrictions

Charge: Monitor agencies and 82nd legislation, including changes to homeowners associations

House Committee on Urban Affairs

Charge:  Monitor agencies and programs under the committee's jurisdiction and implementation of legislation by the 82nd Legislature (upon adjournment of Joint Hearing with House Committee on Appropriations - S/C on Articles VI, VII, & VIII)


Senate Committee on Education   

Charge: Virtual schools


October 9th

House Committee on Defense & Veterans' Affairs and Elections (Joint Hearing)

Charge: Implementation and impact of the Military Overseas Voter Empowerment (MOVE) Act


House Committee on Defense & Veterans' Affairs

Charge: Workforce transition, occupational licensing


Charge: Suicide prevention

Senate Committee on Business & Commerce (see the Committee's blog for written testimony, witnesses, and updates, as well as Twitter)

Agency quarterly updates

Charge: Telecommunications market, specifically the Universal Service Fund


Charge: Smart meters


Charge: Monitor implementation of legislation in the 82nd Regular and Called Sessions, specifically HB 2592 and 2594 relating to payday lending


Senate Committee on Government Organization CANCELED

Charge: Cost-effectiveness analysis in state agency rule making


Charge: Protection of state information and electronic data



October 2nd

Funeral Service Commission

Licensing and Regulation, Texas Department of


October 3rd

Stephen F. Austin State University