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School Finance Lawsuits - 2011/2012

Since October 2011, six lawsuits have been filed against the State of Texas regarding the system of school finance in Texas. The cases have been consolidated and are scheduled to go to trial in the Travis County District Court on October 22, 2012. Judge John K. Dietz will preside.
If you are following the school finance lawsuits, the following resources may be helpful.
Here are the six cases scheduled for Oct. 22 trial (as Cause No. D-1-GN-11-003130) :
  1. Texas Taxpayer & Student Fairness Coalition, et al. v. Robert Scott, Commissioner of Education, et al.; Plaintiffs' original petition and request for declaratory judgment, list of school districts (Cause No. D-1-GN-11-003130). (Filed October 10, 2011) [View ] [View Texas' answer]
  2. Texas School Coalition v. Robert Scott, Commissioner of Education, et al.; Plaintiff's original petition, list of school districts (Cause No. D-1-GV-11-001917). (Filed December 9, 2011) [ View ]
  3. MALDEF - Edgewood Independent School District, et al. v. Robert Scott, Commissioner of Education, et al.; Plaintiff's original petition, press release (Cause No. D-1-GV-11-001972). (Filed December 13, 2011) [ View ]
  4. Fort Bend Independent School District, et al. (63 school districts including Austin, Houston, Dallas, Ft. Worth) v. Robert Scott, Commissioner of Education, et al.; Plaintiff's original petition, press release, and list of school districts (Cause No. D-1-GV-11-002028). (Filed December 22, 2011) [ View ]
  5. (Petition to intervene ) Texans for Real Efficiency and Equity in Education  - Fort Bend Independent School District, et al. v. Robert Scott, Commissioner of Education, et al.; (Cause No. D-1-GV-11-002028). (Filed February 22, 2012) [ View ]
  6. Texas Charter School Association, et al., v. Robert Scott, Texas Education Agency Commissioner, et al.; Plaintiffs' original petition (Cause No. D-1-GN-12-001923, charter school limit unconstitutional) (Filed June 26, 2012)  [ View ]
The Texas Tribune offers a good infographic summarizing the legal arguments made in each of the six cases. They also offer a longer analysis of the cases.
To see a list of Texas school districts participating in the litigation as of May 9, 2012, please go here.  (Provided by the Red Apple Project)