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Legislative Reference Library of Texas
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New Online Collection: Gubernatorial Inauguration Materials

The library is pleased to announce a new online collection of gubernatorial inauguration materials. Inauguration of a Texas governor is often celebrated with receptions, parades, galas and barbeques. Over the years, the LRL has accumulated a collection of material related to these events, including invitations, programs and tickets.  These unique items are now available on our website.  The collection features items from the Legislative Reference Library as well as items from private collections and from the Texas State Library and Archives.
The oldest pieces in the collection are an invitation and brochure to the 1891 inauguration of Governor James S. Hogg.
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More recent inaugural materials provide a detailed look at inaugural events, as well as information about the committees that planned the events. You'll also find unique items like the transcript of Governor W. Lee O'Daniels' 1941 radio broadcast inviting Texans to the inauguration ceremony and a free barbeque (below left), and a brochure for the inaugural special train that was part of Governor Beauford Jester's ceremonies (below right).
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Some governors chose themes for their inauguration ceremonies, such as Governor George Bush, whose inaugural theme in 1995 was "What Texans Can Dream, Texans Can Do," and in 1999 was "Together We Can / Juntos Podemos."
Governor George Bush's 1995 inaugural programGovernor George Bush's 1999 inaugural program
 You can also read through previous inaugural speeches by going here.