Today's Committee Meetings on the LRL website is a calendar of interim committee hearings with links to agendas. Below are resources related to upcoming Interim Hearings.
September 29th Top
House Committee on Environmental Regulation
Charge: Environmental Protection Agency's newly proposed Clean Power Plan and potential impact on Texas
- "Texas Officials Declare EPA's Proposed CO2 Emission Rule Unworkable," The Houston Chronicle, September 9, 2014
- "Texas May Refuse to Follow Climate Rules," Texas Tribune, August 7, 2014
- Proposed Environmental Regulations and Future Electric Reliability, Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT), August 2014
- "States Reactions to Proposed EPA Greenhouse Gas Emissions Standards," National Conference of State Legislatures, July 25, 2014
- "EPA’s Clean Power Plant Proposed Rule and Its Impact in Texas," Energy Center, The University of Texas School of Law, July 22, 2014
- "Texas Utilities Might Be Ready for New EPA Regulations," Governing, July 15, 2014
- "Preparing for the EPA's Clean Power Plan," Texas Lawyer, June 23, 2014
- "What Texas Could Do to Follow Climate Change Rules," Texas Tribune, June 11, 2014
- "How Much Each State Has to Cut Carbon Emissions Under New EPA Regulations," Governing, June 4, 2014
- "What Planned Carbon Regulations Mean For Texas," Texas Tribune, June 3, 2014
- Clean Power Plan Proposed Rule, U. S. Environmental Protection Agency
September 30th Top
House Select Committee on Child Protection
Topics: Review of abuse and neglect fatalities; Coordination and collaboration among local agencies, faith-based organizations, the private sector, non-profits, and law enforcement; Efficacy of ongoing prevention efforts
- Committee Meeting Handouts (Hearing packets), House Select Committee on Child Protection, July 1, July 24, and September 10, 2014
- Sunset Staff Report with Commission Decisions (Issues 1, 2, 5, and 6), Department of Family and Protective Services, August 2014
- NCSL Child Fatality Reviews Legislation 2007-2013, National Conference of State Legislatures, Updated June 5, 2014
- DFPS CPS Operational Review, The Stephen Group, June 2014
- 2014 Prevention Resource Guide: Making Meaningful Connections, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children, Youth and Families, 2014
- Child Protective Services (CPS) Legislative Presentations and Reports, Department of Family and Protective Services, 2004-2014
- Texas Child Fatality Review Team Annual Report 2013, Texas Department of State Health Services, 2013
- State Secrecy and Child Deaths in the U.S.: An Evaluation of CAPTA-Mandated Public Disclosure Policies about Child Abuse and Neglect Fatalities or Near Fatalities, with State Rankings, 2nd edition, Children’s Advocacy Institute, University of San Diego School of Law, 2012
House Committee on Environmental Regulation
Charge: Environmental Protection Agency's newly proposed Clean Power Plan and potential impact on Texas
(see September 29th above)