Interim Hearings - Week of September 6th
Today's Committee Meetings on the LRL website is a calendar of interim committee hearings with links to agendas. Below are resources related to upcoming Interim Hearings.
September 10th
House Committee on Transportation - S/C on Long-term Infrastructure Planning
Topic: Discussion about future funding needs
- Funding Needs and Potential Sources, Texas Department of Transportation
- HB 20 - Initial Report, Texas Department of Transportation, September 1, 2015
Topic: Detailed breakdown of each transportation funding source for 2016-17 biennium (including potential/projected sources)
- Transportation Funding: Understanding Funding in Texas, Texas Department of Transportation, 2014-2015 Edition
Topic: Testimony from TTI on how other states provide funding for transportation
- Transportation Funding and Finance Legislation Database, National Conference of State Legislatures, September 1, 2015
- State Transportation Funding (2015 State Legislation to Raise Additional Transportation Revenue),Transportation for America
- State Funding Initiatives Report, Transportation Investment Advocacy Center, July 2015
Topic: Alternative transportation funding options and specific methods to finance long-term/major transportation projects
- Texas Transportation Plan 2040, Texas Department of Transportation
- Transportation Funding Options, Legislative Budget Board, February, 2015
Topic: Detailed debt service update
- Semi-Annual Issuer Report (Prepared for the Bond Review Board For the Period Ending February 28, 2015), Texas Department of Transportation
Topic: Update on State Highway Fund expenditures
- Proposition 7 - Constitutional Amendment for Transportation Funding, Texas Department of Transportation and Analyses of Proposed Constitutional Amendments for the November 3, 2015 Election (Amendment No. 7), Texas Legislative Council, August 5, 2015
- Texas Highway Funding: Legislative Primer, Legislative Budget Board, March 2011
Topic: Discussion about how funding levels are decided for each of TxDOT's 12 categories
- 2016 Unified Transportation Program, Texas Transportation Commission, August 13, 2015