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Interim Hearings - Week of March 7, 2016

Interim Hearings - Week of March 7

Today's Committee Meetings on the LRL website is a calendar of interim committee hearings with links to agendas. Below are resources related to upcoming Interim Hearings.

March 7 Top

House Committee on Energy Resources

Charge: Enforcement policies of the Railroad Commission of Texas

Charge: Legislative oversight and monitoring of agencies;  implementation of major energy legislation including regulated surface activity on oil and gas sites; and seismic research needs for the University of Texas Bureau of Economic Geology and any response to research findings by the Railroad Commission of Texas 

March 8 Top

House Committees on Energy Resources and International Trade & Intergovernmental Affairs (Joint Hearing)

Joint charge: Mexican energy transformation effect on energy economy in Texas

House Committee on Higher Education

Charge 4: Sexual assault on college campuses

House Committee on Human Services

Charge 4: Medicaid managed care, contract management, Vendor Drug Program

March 10 Top

Charge: Veteran health and mental health in Texas, progress of state strike force teams

Charge: Veteran employment and hiring policies in state agencies

Charge: Veteran's courts, including successes and challenges, rehabilitation, recidivism