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Interim Hearings - Week of April 11, 2016

Interim Hearings - Week of April 11

Today's Committee Meetings on the LRL website is a calendar of interim committee hearings with links to agendas. Below are resources related to upcoming Interim Hearings.

April 11 Top

Joint Interim Committee to Study a Coastal Barrier System

Topic: Desirability and feasibility of constructing a coastal barrier system

April 12 Top

Charge 1: Cybersecurity of financial institutions

Charge 4: Community bank consolidation

Charge 5: Investment climate and resources available to businesses

April 13 Top

House Committee on Pensions

Charge: Public pension funds

Charge: Legislative oversight and monitoring


Senate Committee on State Affairs

Charge: Changes made to the Employment Retirement System regarding member contributions and proposed reforms to the Teacher Retirement System of Texas

Charge: Electronic voting program for certain military members serving overseas

Joint Committee on TRS Health Benefit Plans

Topic: Health benefit plans administered by the Teacher Retirement System of Texas; TRS-ActiveCare

April 14 Top

Charge:  Improving military value at military installations