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Interim Hearings - Week of May 23, 2016

Interim Hearings - Week of May 23

Today's Committee Meetings on the LRL website is a calendar of interim committee hearings with links to agendas. Below are resources related to upcoming Interim Hearings.

May 23 Top

House Committee on Agriculture & Livestock

Charge 1: Policy challenges to the state's agriculture and livestock industry



Charge 4: Windblown trash

Invited Testimony


Charge 5: Appraisal of agricultural land


House Committee on Environmental Regulation

Charge 1: Household hazardous waste disposal

Charge 4: Scrap tire management and disposal

Charge 5: Legislative oversight and monitoring


House Committee on Urban Affairs

Charge 3: Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs low-income tax credit, compliance with U.S. Supreme Court decision in Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs et al. v. Inclusive Communities Project, Inc., et al. on fair housing in Texas

Charge 4: Housing programs and policies in Texas, compliance with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's new Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Rules

Charge 5: Low-income housing availability

Charge 7: Legislative oversight and monitoring, including Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs


Charge: Surface water and groundwater

May 24 Top

Joint charge: Emerging technologies used by law enforcement and issues related to appropriate dissemination of the data

May 25 Top

Joint charge: Criminal records

Charge: Public information

Charge: Commercial motor vehicles

House Committee on Transportation

Topic: Utility relocation issues on state right-of-way construction and maintenance projects

Topic: Toll revenues and total debt service

Topic: TxDOT Rail Division

Topic: TxDOT Rural Transit Division

Topic: Texas ports 

·        Interim Hearings – Week of May 2, 2016, Senate Select Committee on Texas Ports, Legislative Reference Library, May 4, 2016


Topic: DMV processing and handling fee

Topic: Financial forecast relating to transportation funding (testimony from Comptroller Hegar)


Topic: Finance options used in other states to fund transportation infrastructure

Topic: Design-build contracts