In this occasional post, we feature topics receiving widespread media coverage, tips for finding bills filed during the 85th legislative session, and related resources.
Bill search
Try using the subject VEHICLES FOR HIRE (S0795) to find bills related to transportation network companies.

- Transportation Network Company (TNC) Legislation, Texas A&M Transportation Institute, ©2016
- "Driving Safety: An Empirical Analysis of Ridesharing's Impact on Drunk Driving and Alcohol-Related Crime," Frank Martin Buck, November 17, 2016
- "Houston changes rules, keeps Uber through Super Bowl," The Houston Chronicle, December 14, 2016
- "Texas Lawmakers Learn Details of Ride-Hailing Laws in Several Other States," Texas Tribune, August 30, 2016
- "Lawmakers Put Pedal to Metal to Deal with Ride-Sharing," National Conference of State Legislatures, February 19, 2016