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Legislative Reference Library of Texas
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Legislative Wrap-ups, 85th Legislature

Following each legislative session in Texas, organizations, state agencies, and other entities publish "wrap-ups" summarizing new laws and key legislative developments in areas ranging from agriculture to criminal justice to health care. Wrap-ups can range from a simple list of bills to a detailed report that includes background information and expert analysis.


The LRL tracks legislative wrap-ups as we find them to be an excellent research tool and summary of the topics covered during a particular session. Wrap-ups are a work in progress. Listed below is a short selection. To find one on a topic that interests you, check the websites of organizations or state agencies that focus on the issue, or contact the library for assistance.


State Agencies

Employees Retirement System of Texas


Supreme Court of Texas Permanent Judicial Commission for Children, Youth and Families


Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission



Texas Department of Information Resources
Technology Legislation


Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation
Results of the 85th Texas Legislature for TDLR


Texas Department of Transportation


Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board


Texas Real Estate Commission


Associations and Organizations

National Alliance on Mental Illness
85th Texas Legislature Wrap-up



Texas Alliance of Groundwater Districts
Legislative Wrap Up


Texas Association of Community Colleges
85th Legislative Session


Texas Association of Counties
Legislative Highlights - 85th Regular Session


Texas Coalition of Veterans Organizations (TCVO)


Texas District & County Attorneys Association
Legislative Updates


Texas Farm Bureau
Regular Session Wrap­-up


Texas Humane Legislation Network
2017 Legislative Session



Texas Public Employees Association
TPEA's Wrap-up of the Legislative Session