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Interim Hearings – Week of April 23, 2018

Today's Committee Meetings on the LRL website is a calendar of interim committee hearings with links to agendas. Below are resources related to upcoming Interim Hearings.


Charge 3: Permitting, siting, and regulatory processes for solid waste landfills

Charge 4: Economic impact of National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS)

Charge 5: TCEQ expedited air permitting program


House Committee on Human Services

Charge 2: Managed Care – Medicaid Managed Care history, initiatives of managed care organizations (MCOs) to improve quality and coordination of care, Health and Human Services Commission's (HHSC) oversight of MCOs



House Committee on Investments & Financial Services 

Charge: Impact and risks of a credit bureau security breach on Texans

Charge: Financial technology policy challenges

Topic: Cryptocurrency's potential role in financial sector


Senate Committee on Transportation

Charge: Project acceleration 

Charge: Unified Transportation Program (UTP) 

Charge: Monitor implementation of legislation, specifically:

  • Statutory changes specified in Texas Department of Transportation's (TxDOT) sunset legislation:
    1. requiring toll road entities to use toll revenue to pay back TxDOT for grants used to construct toll roads.
    2. prohibiting TxDOT from operating or transferring a HOV lane as a tolled lane.
    3. authorizing TxDOT to convert non-tolled lanes as toll lanes – only if the number of non-tolled lanes is greater than or equal to the number in existence before the toll conversion project.
    4. prohibiting TxDOT from awarding contracts unless the contractor participates in E-verify

  • Progress of Texas Department of Transportation's (TxDOT) efforts to issue an annual permit for transporting overweight, sealed intermodal shipping containers on TxDOT approved routes within 30 miles of a port of entry or an international bridge.


House Committee on Environmental Regulation

Charge 1: Texas Commission on Environmental Quality's (TCEQ) response and clean-up efforts related to Hurricane Harvey, debris removal, natural disaster response


Senate Committee on Higher Education

Charge: 60x30TX Statewide Plan Review



House Committee on Criminal Jurisprudence  (El Paso) 

Charge 3: Enforcement of criminal laws against low-level possession of marijuana

Charge 8: Monitoring agencies and programs under the Committee's jurisdiction and implementation of relevant legislation passed by the 85th Legislature



Charge 1: Effects of Hurricane Harvey on the courts and legal system

Charge 3: Statutes prescribing fees in civil and criminal matters; fees that may be challenged on grounds similar to those raised in Salinas v. Texas (Tex. Court of Crim. Apps., March 8, 2017)

Charge 7: Monitor implementation of the statewide electronic database of court records ("re:SearchTX")