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Interim Hearings – Week of April 9, 2018

Today's Committee Meetings on the LRL website is a calendar of interim committee hearings with links to agendas. Below are resources related to upcoming Interim Hearings.


April 10

House Committee on Defense & Veterans' Affairs (San Antonio) 

Charge: Aid to federal military installations and their communities in order to minimize the negative consequences of a Base Realignment and Closure


April 12

House Committee on Economic & Small Business Development (Richardson) 

Charge 2: Development of high-growth, high-tech start-ups, "sandbox" regulatory approach

Charge 3: Workforce needs of the state's businesses and industries

Charge 4: Distribution of state economic development incentives


House Committee on Insurance

Charge: Effect of Hurricane Harvey on the insurance market in Texas 

Charge: Coverage provided by the most common homeowners' insurance policy forms in Texas 

Charge: Appraisal processes under property insurance policies in Texas 

Charge: Texas' financial responsibility laws for automobile insurance, including the minimum liability limits required by state law

Topic: Cost increases in life insurance policies and consumer protections for life insurance policy holders