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Interim Hearings – Week of July 16, 2018

Today's Committee Meetings on the LRL website is a calendar of interim committee hearings with links to agendas. Below are resources related to upcoming Interim Hearings.



July 17

House Committee on Agriculture & Livestock

Charge: Role of Texas Department of Agriculture and the Texas Animal Health Commission in the response to Hurricane Harvey; Impact of hurricane on producers in the agriculture and livestock industries in Texas 

Charge: How to improve, promote, and standardize the Texas olive and olive oil industry; Necessity of creating a commodity board or similar type of organization 

Charge: Privatizing Texas Department of Agriculture's Seed Certification Program and related areas through a nonprofit crop improvement association

Charge: Rules, regulations, and enforcement authority of the Texas Department of Agriculture's Structural Pest Control Service

Charge: Evaluate the uses of industrial hemp and the economic feasibility of developing an industrial hemp market


July 18

Senate Select Committee on Violence in Schools & School Security

Charge: Root cause of mass murder in schools including, but not limited to, risk factors such as mental health, substance use disorders, anger management, social isolation, the impact of high intensity media coverage, and desensitization to violence resulting from video games, music, film, and social media


House Committee on Culture, Recreation & Tourism and House Committee on Agriculture & Livestock (Joint Hearing)

Charge: Cause of declining populations of monarch butterflies and bees; impact of these migratory species' decline on agricultural production and the economy

Monarch Butterflies:



House Committee on Culture, Recreation & Tourism

Charge 1: Roles of Texas Parks and Wildlife Department's and the Texas Historical Commission's in the response to Hurricane Harvey; economic, recreational, and biological impacts and needed repairs from Harvey as they relate to applicable state agencies and the following areas and industries under the purview of the Committee:

  1. State parks
  2. Wildlife and fish
  3. Historic sites and buildings
  4. Art and cultural resources
  5. Travel and tourism
  6. Recommendations for timely recovery of these areas from Harvey, and mitigation of future natural disasters

Charge 2: Feasibility of establishing and mobilizing a volunteer contingency of private boat owners through the boat registration and license database administered by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department to assist first responders during natural disasters like Hurricane Harvey


House Committee on Urban Affairs

Charge 5: Local government oversight of abandoned and substandard buildings, including buildings of historical significance

Charge 7: Monitor agencies and programs under the Committee's jurisdiction and implementation of relevant legislation passed by the 85th Legislature



July 19

House Committee on Special Purpose Districts

Topic: Discussion of sections of the interim report
