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New & Noteworthy: September 2018

The Library is continually adding new books to its collection. Below are the six titles from our September 2018 New & Noteworthy list

Check out and delivery of New & Noteworthy titles is available to legislative staff in Capitol and District offices. To arrange check out and delivery of any of these items, you can submit an online request through the New & Noteworthy page on our website, contact the library at 512-463-1252, or use our PDF request form.


1. Start Here: A Road Map to Reducing Mass Incarceration
By Greg Berman and Julian Adler
Analyzes various successful criminal justice reform programs and initiatives that could help redefine what justice looks like in America. Points out that no one "silver bullet" exists that could single-handedly reform the American justice system; however, there are proven reforms that could impact and improve the lives of justice-involved individuals right now rather than simply locking them away.
The New Press, 2018. 211 pages.
364.60973 B456S 2018



2. Election Law in a Nutshell
By Daniel P. Tokaji, Charles W. Ebersold, and Florence Whitcomb
Offers a brief survey of election law's development over time. Highlights key court cases and issues that have shaped voting rights and elections in the United States.
West Academic Publishing, 2017. 330 pages.
342.7307 T573E 2017



3. Slavery by Another Name: The Re-Enslavement of Black People in America from the Civil War to World War II
By Douglas A. Blackmon
Presents a Pulitzer Prize-winning examination of how American slavery continued, even after the Emancipation Proclamation, in the form of forced labor without compensation, buying and selling of labor, physical coercion, and leasing convicts. Describes primary documents and personal narratives of African Americans arrested and forced into labor in the U.S. economic system in the 20th century.
Doubleday, 2008. 403 pages.
305.896 B566S 2008



4. Once Upon a Time in Texas: A Liberal in the Lone Star State
By David Richards
Examines in a heartfelt and humorous memoir the four decades David Richards devoted to civil rights, voter rights, labor law, school finance reform, and general civil liberties in Texas, as an attorney and former husband of Governor Ann Richards. Describes a small but vibrant group of liberal activists and politicians fighting for social justice from the 1950s to the 1990s in a very conservative state.
University of Texas Press, 2002. 275 pages.
942.085 R39ON 2002



5. Interim Report to the 86th Texas Legislature
By House Select Committee on Economic Competitiveness
Summarizes the select committee's work examining how Texas can remain competitive in attracting and retaining private sector businesses. Includes a list of public hearing witnesses, analysis of factors contributing to Texas' business environment, letters from businesses and organizations, and recommendations for continued improvement.
House Select Committee on Economic Competitiveness, 2018. 50 pages.
Online at: https://lrl.texas.gov/scanned/interim/85/Ec74hc.pdf
L1836.85 EC74HC



6. Report to the 86th Legislature
By Senate Select Committee on Violence in Schools and School Security
Provides an overview of testimony and discussion heard by the select committee as it explored various approaches to reducing violence in schools and improving school security. Concludes each interim charge's section with the committee's policy recommendations.
Senate Select Committee on Violence in Schools and School Security, 2018. 30 pages.
Online at: https://lrl.texas.gov/scanned/interim/85/SCmteSchoolViolence.pdf
L1836.85 IN8S