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Bills in the News: Pharmacies and Prescription Drugs

In this occasional post, we feature topics receiving widespread media coverage, tips for finding bills filed during the 86th legislative session, and related resources.


Concerned about the rising costs of pharmaceuticals, the opioid epidemic, or whether pharmacists can object to filling certain prescriptions? There are a few different ways to find bills related to the topics and more about pharmacies, pharmacists, and the pharmaceutical industry.   


Pharmacies and pharmacists play a significant role in the lives of many Texans, from administering vaccinations to catching potential drug interactions. If a bill relates to pharmacies, pharmacists, and related licensing, it can be found under PHARMACIES & PHARMACISTS.


The definition of "pharmacy benefit manager" appears in Insurance Code § 4151.151. These managers fill the role of administrator of pharmacy benefits and are referenced throughout the statutes in relation to health and prescription drug benefits. Bills that relate to pharmacy benefit managers can be found via the subject PHARMACY BENEFIT MANAGERS.


A broad range of more than 100 bills filed this legislative session relate to the subject MEDICINE & PRESCRIPTION DRUGS. Proposed legislation regarding compassionate use, prescriptive authority, prescription drug prices, restrictions on over-the-counter medications, and prescription opioids all falls within this subject.


To see a complete list of subject headings for the 86th Legislature, select "Reports" under the "Legislation" tab. Then select "S - Subject Headings" from the "Bills by Subject" drop-down menu.