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Current Articles & Research Resources, April 18

In this weekly post, we feature helpful research tools and recent articles of interest to the legislative community. 

  • Find election dates for 2019. (Texas Secretary of State, accessed April 17, 2019)
  • Track news updates from the Texas Department of State Health Services. (Texas Department of State Health Services, accessed April 17, 2019)
  • Consider recent approaches to changing the situation at the border. (The Heritage Foundation, April 11, 2019)
  • Read about America's infrastructure workforce. (Brookings, April 16, 2019)

Members of the Texas legislative community may request the articles below here or by calling 512-463-1252.

  • "Policymakers bet on sports wagering." By Lisa McKinney. Capitol Ideas, Issue 1 2019, pp. 12-13.
    Discusses the United States Supreme Court's May 2018 ruling in Murphy v. National Collegiate Athletic Association and potential state legalization of sports betting.
  • "CBD goes mainstream." Consumer Reports, May 2019, pp. 44-50.
    Examines the results of a survey on cannabidiol [CBD], a compound extracted from hemp and marijuana. Provides insights into who is using CBD, why they use it, and how effective they say it is.
  • "Corporate crises: The new age of corporate scandals." Economist, April 6th-12th, 2019, pp.51-53.
    Discusses the rise in corporate misconduct and scandals, including those involving Boeing, Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo, and Facebook. Suggests the abatement of three forces that constrained corporate conduct — regulation, litigation, and competition — has increased the incentive for firms to take more risks.
  • "State ESSA report cards fall short, asserts data-transparency group." By Daarel Burnette II. Education Week, April 10, 2019, pp. 21, 25.
    Summarizes results of a study conducted on how well states are collecting and reporting required school data under the Every Student Succeeds Act [ESSA]. Notes Texas is still not complying with ESSA's reporting requirements in teacher effectiveness and student discipline.
  • "Selling AI: The case of fully autonomous vehicles." By Diane E. Bailey and Ingrid Erickson. Issues in Science and Technology, Spring 2019, pp. 57-61.
    Examines claims that autonomous vehicles are the sole means of reducing motor vehicle deaths. Discusses the "Safe System" approach to improving traffic safety through both technological advances and improvements to road infrastructure. (Related document at: http://pubdocs.worldbank.org/en/912871516999678053/Report-Safe-Systems-final.pdf)
  • "Retirement insecurity 2019: Americans' views of the retirement crisis." By Diane Oakley and Kelly Kenneally. National Institute on Retirement Security, March 2019, pp. 1-28. (Note length)
    Presents public opinion poll findings on retirement issues in the United States, including pension plans for state and local government employees.
  • "Keeping up the pace: State, city, and private sector transportation decarbonization."  By Fatima Maria Ahmad. Natural Resources & Environment, Spring 2019, pp. 40-44.
    Highlights state and regional efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector, including: cap-and-invest programs, electronic vehicle charging corridors, and zero emissions vehicles programs. Discusses private sector efforts and opportunities to meet new demand with electric vehicle development and charging infrastructure.
  • "Under the gun." By Paige Williams. New Yorker, April 8, 2019, pp. 26-32.
    Highlights the "Stop the Bleed" protocol developed by the Hartford Consensus to provide rapid casualty care at intentional mass casualty events. Discusses the priority of training and equipping a wide variety of people with these techniques since the real first responders are bystanders at these incidents.
  • "The short-term outlook for the Texas economy." By M. Ray Perryman. Perryman Report and Texas Letter, Vol. 36, No. 2, pp. 1-3, 6.
    Discusses factors that are contributing to the growth of the Texas economy, as well as key patterns affecting future performance over the 2018-2023 period.
  • "Bill looks to end noncompetes." By Jessica Corso. San Antonio Business Journal, March 29, 2019, pp. 8.
    Highlights HB1522, 86th Legislature, which would bar staffing agencies at oil and gas companies from requiring workers sign noncompete agreements.
  • "Position as top exporting state exposes Texas to shifting trade policy." By Jesus Canas and Stephanie Gullo. Southwest Economy (Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas), First Quarter 2019, pp. 3-7.
    Analyzes Texas' comparative trade advantage, especially in energy-related manufacturing and oil and gas mining. Describes how trade policy uncertainty and steel and aluminum tariffs could disrupt and affect the world standing of Texas manufacturing.
  • "Back from the brink." By Savannah Gilmore and Erica Mackellar. State Legislatures, March/April 2019, pp. 8-11, 13.
    Reports federal tax reforms, United States Supreme Court decisions, and legislative changes to states' tax policies have resulted in net revenue increases, placing states in a better position to weather the next economic downturn.
  • "Eminent domain works in Texas — for the takers." By Russell Boening. Texas Agriculture, April 5, 2019, p. 2.
    Discusses the eminent domain process in Texas and how it negatively affects land owners. Mentions HB991 and SB421, 86th Legislature.
  • "Results of the 2018 unfunded mandate survey."  Texas County Progress, April 2019, pp. 16-23.
    Reviews the effects various unfunded and under-funded mandates have on local government and property taxes. (Report at: https://31j8fe2l56f122iue1wuvve1-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/2018-Unfunded-Mandates-Book-Final_WebVersion.pdf)
  • "AIMing to save lives." By Sean Price. Texas Medicine, April 2019, pp. 21-23.
    Discusses maternal health initiatives that prevent maternal deaths in hospital settings. Highlights AIM Bundles, guidelines set up by the Alliance for Innovation on Maternal Health [AIM]. Includes maternal health-related bills from the 86th Legislature.


The Legislative Reference Library compiles this weekly annotated list of Current Articles of interest to the legislative community. Professional librarians review and select articles from more than 300 periodicals, including public policy journals, specialized industry periodicals, news magazines, and state agency publications. Members of the Texas legislative community may request articles using our online form.