This week, April 7-13, 2019, is National Library Week. This year’s theme, Libraries = Strong Communities, illustrates how today’s libraries are at the heart of our cities, towns, schools and campuses. The LRL is proud to not only serve members of the Texas Legislature and state agencies but also members of the public.
The library provides many helpful resources for constituents including:

• Bill status hotline: 877-824-7038 (toll-free in Texas). Texas residents can call toll-free for information on pending bills, committee hearings, elected officials, the legislative process, and online legislative resources. The hotline is available during session Monday through Thursday from 7:30 a.m.-7 p.m., and Friday 7:30 a.m.-5 p.m., with extended hours when either chamber is in session.
• State agency hotlines and citizen assistance provides frequently requested contact numbers and websites for state agencies, arranged by the following topics: Aging & Seniors; Children & Families; Consumer Protection & Tax Assistance; Courts & Legal Assistance; Health, Social Services & Public Safety; Labor, Employment & Retirement; Mortgage & Foreclosure Assistance; Natural Resources; Professional Licensing & Complaints; State Government; Transportation; and Utilities.
• Contacting your legislator includes information on how to contact members of the Legislature, as well as proper forms of address for elected officials.
• Legislative agencies and the legislative process in Texas lists the agencies in the legislative branch with their roles and responsibilities, and includes overviews of the legislative process.
The library is open to the public for study and research purposes; however, circulation privileges are limited to legislators, their staff, and employees of other legislative agencies.