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Dates of Interest for the 87th Regular Session

What are the key deadlines for the 87th Regular Session? Official deadlines will be set when the House and Senate adopt rules after session begins, but until then, related provisions in the Texas Constitution and Statutes and the Texas Legislative Council Drafting Manual perpetual calendar (shown below) can be useful.


November 3, 2020: General election for federal, state, and county officers (Texas Election Code, Section 41.001(a)(3))


November 9, 2020: Bill prefiling begins (House Rule 8, Section 7 and Senate Rule 7.04(a))


January 12, 2021: 87th Legislature convenes at noon (Texas Constitution, Article III, Section 5(a); Texas Government Code, Section 301.001)


March 12, 2021: 60-day bill filing deadline (Texas Constitution, Article III, Section 5(b))


May 31, 2021: Adjournment sine die (Texas Constitution, Article III, Section 24(b))


June 20, 2021: Post-session 20-day deadline for Governor to sign or veto (Texas Constitution, Article IV, Section 14)


August 30, 2021: Effective date (91st day after adjournment) (Texas Constitution, Article III, Section 39)



  Table can be viewed in the Texas Legislative Council Drafting Manual.