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Legislative Reference Library of Texas
your partner in legislative research
Legislative Reference Library of Texas
your partner in legislative research

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Interim Reports

We've received interim reports to the 87th Legislature from the following committees:

Our Legislative Reports database will be updated as we receive additional reports. The database can be accessed on our website under Committees | Legislative reports.


Please note, reports within our database are listed by the Legislature that ordered a study rather than the Legislature that received the report. To search for reports ordered by the 86th Legislature and received by the 87th Legislature, select "86th - 2019" from the Legislature drop down menu in the Search for reports section of the page and click on Search.



Looking for a report from an earlier session? The LRL's Legislative Reports database also contains interim committee charges, interim committee reports, and other substantive legislative studies published in the House and Senate Journals back to 1846.


You can search for reports by Legislature, subject, and/or the name of the committee. You may also do a key word search within the report title and the charge text.