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Prefiling Statistics, 87th Regular Session

In Texas, the Rules of the House of Representatives of the State of Texas (Rule 8, Section 7) and the Senate Rules (Rule 7.04(a)) allow legislators to prefile bills "beginning the first Monday after the general election preceding the next regular legislative session."


Prefiling for the 87th Texas Legislature began on Monday, November 9, the first Monday after the general election on Tuesday, November 3. On November 9, a total of 541 bills and joint resolutions were filed in the House and Senate.


The following are the number of bills and joint resolutions prefiled during the first week of the 87th Regular Session:

87th Regular Session – Prefiled Bills and Joint Resolutions
HB/HJR 576
SB/SJR 169
Total 745


How do these numbers compare to previous sessions? The following are the number of bills and joint resolutions filed during the first week of the last four regular sessions:

86th Regular Session – Prefiled Bills and Joint Resolutions
HB/HJR 382
SB/SJR 184
Total 566


85th Regular Session – Prefiled Bills and Joint Resolutions
HB/HJR 389
SB/SJR 239
Total 628


84th Regular Session – Prefiled Bills and Joint Resolutions
HB/HJR 282
SB/SJR 172
Total 454


83rd Regular Session – Prefiled Bills and Joint Resolutions
HB/HJR 203
SB/SJR 106
Total 309

Chart comparing the number of bills and joint resolutions filed during the first week of prefiling from the past five legislative sessions.

For a general overview of bill prefiling, see our previous blog post, Bill Prefiling FAQs.