Committee Resources
The committee has requested written submissions on the following topics. Below are resources related to those topics.
House Committee on Licensing & Administrative Procedures
Charge 1: Monitor the agencies and programs under the Committee's jurisdiction and oversee the implementation of relevant legislation passed by the 86th Legislature. Conduct active oversight of all associated rulemaking and other governmental actions taken to ensure intended legislative outcome of all legislation, including the following:
- HB 892, which relates to county regulation of game rooms. Monitor the status of counties statewide who have chosen to regulate game rooms and implement their own regulatory structure to combat illegal gambling activity via registration and permitting requirements, fees, disclosure of ownership, inspection schemes, and civil and criminal penalties.
- "Fort Worth's Legal Battle Over Eight-Liners Continues After Texas Supreme Court Opinion," Fort Worth Star-Telegram, May 8, 2020
- The City of Fort Worth and David Cooke v. Stephanie Rylie et al. (Opinion β Case: 18-1231), Supreme Court of Texas, May 8, 2020
- Key Concept: Regulating Game Rooms, County Progress, County Judges and Commissioners Association of Texas, February 1, 2020
- HB 1545, which is the sunset legislation for the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC). Monitor the implementation of the legislation and the agency's progress in the consolidation, repeal, and creation of certain licenses and permits and the adoption of new fees.
- 86th Legislature: Legislative Update, Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission, August 2019
- HB 2847, which is the omnibus occupational licensing legislation. Monitor the implementation of revisions relating to the licensing and regulation of certain occupations by the Texas Commission of Licensing and Regulation, including the length of a license term, a fee for the issuance or renewal of a license, and any continuing education required to renew a license.
- 86th Texas Legislature TDLR-Related Bills, Texas Department of Licensing & Regulation
- SB 1450, which authorizes alcohol delivery to consumers. Monitor the implementation and permitting process by TABC for consumer delivery of alcohol.
- 86th Legislature: Legislative Update, Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission, August 2019
Charge 2: Study efforts by the TABC to combat human trafficking at all licensed locations. Make recommendations to increase the TABC's ability to rescue victims and successfully prosecute permit holders that have been identified as participating in human trafficking, and to make regulatory or statutory changes needed to prevent human trafficking in this state.
- Strategic Plan: Fiscal Years 2021-2025 (Goals and Action Plans: Goal 1 β Effectively combat human trafficking connected to the alcoholic beverage industry), Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission, June 5, 2020
- 86th Legislature: Legislative Update (Appropriations and TABC Sunset Bill: General Provisions), Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission, August 2019
- Improve the State Response to Human Trafficking (Staff Reports 2019), Legislative Budget Board, April 2019
- The Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission: Human Trafficking (Issue Brief), Legislative Budget Board, April 2012
- Stop Human Trafficking, Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission
Charge 3: Examine "control label" products and their impact on the three-tier system and alcoholic beverage industry in the state. Make recommendations to regulate control label products in a way that promotes economic growth, benefits the consumer, and stabilizes the three-tier system.
- "Will Alcohol To-Go Become Permanent in Texas?," Houston Press, June 2, 2020
- "Micro-Brew, Macro-Fees: Texas Law Favors Beer Distributors While Curbing Growth and Investment in the Nation's Third Largest Craft Beer Market," 71 Baylor Law Review 190 (Winter 2019)
- "Texans Get Ready for Beer to Go and Booze Delivery," Texas Tribune, August 13, 2019
Charge 4: Evaluate the Texas wine industry and the current labeling requirements associated with the use of "Texas" as an appellation. Determine if current regulations and permitting rules are adequate to support the industry's development.
- "Commissioner Miller Asks Governor to Reopen Texas Wineries Immediately" (Press Release), Texas Department of Agriculture, July 2, 2020
- State of the US Wine Industry 2020, Silicon Valley Bank, 2020
- "AgriLife Extension Experts Help Wine Industry Meet Grape Expectations," AgriLife Today, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, February 27, 2019
- "Something to Wine About: What Proposed Revisions to Wine Labeling Requirements Mean for Growers, Producers, and Consumers," 13 Brooklyn Journal of Corporate, Financial & Commercial Law 491 (2019)
- "Regulatory Policy and Innovation in the Wine Industry: A Comparative Analysis of Old and New World Wine Regulations," 34 American University International Law Review 279 (2018)
- The Economic Impact of Model Wineries in Texas, Texas Wine Marketing Research Institute, Texas Tech University, December 2017
- "Growing Texas Wine: A Primer for the Practitioner and a Challenge to the Legislature," 47 Texas Tech Law Review 635 (2015)
- Growth of the Wine-in-a-Can Market, Texas Wine Marketing Research Institute, Texas Tech University