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Bill Statistics & Upcoming Deadlines, May 1, 2023

As the 88th Legislature draws to a close, a series of end-of-session deadlines begin to take effect. Below is a list of deadlines that occur next week:

  • Monday, May 8: Last day for House committees to report House bills (HBs) and House joint resolutions (HJRs).
  • Tuesday, May 9: Deadline for the House to distribute the last House Daily Calendar with House bills and House joint resolutions.
  • Wednesday, May 10: Deadline for the House to distribute the last House Local and Consent Calendar with consent House bills.
  • Thursday, May 11: Last day for the House to consider House bills and House joint resolutions on second reading on the House Daily or Supplemental Calendar.
  • Friday, May 12: Last day for the House to consider consent House bills on second and third reading on the Local and Consent Calendar and all third reading House bills or House joint resolutions on the House Supplemental Calendar.

House and Senate calendars are available on Texas Legislature Online.


Bill statistics for the period of November 14, 2022 — April 28, 2023, are below.


  House Bills (HBs) &
House Joint Resolutions (HJRs)
Senate Bills (SBs) &
Senate Joint Resolutions (SJRs)
Filed 5,618 2,717
Reported out of committee 2,022 798
Passed by chamber of origin 601 659
Referred to committee in opposite chamber 291 591
Reported out of committee in opposite chamber 8 166
Passed opposite chamber 3 35
Sent to governor (bills only) 0 3
Signed by the governor (bills only) 0 0