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Interim Hearings – Week of June 18, 2018

Today's Committee Meetings on the LRL website is a calendar of interim committee hearings with links to agendas. Below are resources related to upcoming Interim Hearings.


June 20

House Committee on Human Services

Charge 2: Overview of Medicaid managed care, recent information reported by the Dallas Morning News regarding Medicaid managed care and the Health and Human Services Commission

Interim Hearings – Week of June 11, 2018

Today's Committee Meetings on the LRL website is a calendar of interim committee hearings with links to agendas. Below are resources related to upcoming Interim Hearings.


June 11

Senate Select Committee on Violence in Schools & School Security

Charge: Infrastructure and design of Texas schools to reduce security threats, proposals to harden school facilities, including limiting access points, improving screening and detecting of weapons, retrofitting school facilities with improved locks, emergency alarm systems, and monitoring cameras


June 12

Senate Select Committee on Violence in Schools & School Security

Charge: School security options and resources, including, but not limited to, the school marshal program, school police officers, armed school personnel, the Texas School Safety Center, and other training programs

Interim Hearings – Week of June 4, 2018

Today's Committee Meetings on the LRL website is a calendar of interim committee hearings with links to agendas. Below are resources related to upcoming Interim Hearings.


June 4

Charge: Regulatory framework of groundwater conservation districts and river authorities

Charge: Agricultural fees


June 5

House Committee on Culture, Recreation & Tourism (Brownsville)  

Charge 1 (Partial):  Economic, recreational, and biological impacts and needed repairs from Hurricane Harvey and the following areas and industries:

e. Travel and tourism

f. Recommendations for timely recovery from Harvey, and mitigation of future natural disasters

Charge 4: Monitor agencies and programs under the Committee's jurisdiction and implementation of relevant legislation passed by the 85th Legislature:

  • Texas Historical Commission Programs
  • Texas Parks and Wildlife Border Operations


House Committee on Natural Resources (Palo Duro Canyon State Park)

Charge 3: Groundwater policy in Texas, including the following issues:

a. Progress and challenges in encouraging coordination and consistency in aquifer-wide management and permitting practices;

b. Developments in case law regarding groundwater ownership and regulation;

c. Potential improvements to the existing groundwater permitting process, including those contemplated in HB 31, 85th Legislature, R.S.;

d. The appropriate consideration of the service area of a water supplier when groundwater resources are allocated based on surface ownership;

e. The designation of brackish groundwater production zones and related research;

f. Groundwater data and science needs


Charge: Streamlining water permitting

Charge: Monitoring, including, but not limited to:

  • SB 1511 (prioritization in the regional water plan);

  • SB 1538 (Floodplain Management Account uses);

  • SB 864 (GCD application of state water);
  • HB 2004 (Texas economic development fund for TDA); and
  • HB 3433 (Adoption of rules affecting rural communities. Make recommendations for any legislative improvements needed to improve, enhance, or complete implementation including regional water planning, flood planning, and groundwater production.)


June 6

House Committee on County Affairs (Corpus Christi)

Charge 1: Emergency response activities and the relationship between state, counties, non-governmental organizations, and churches in preparing for and responding to Hurricane Harvey

Charge 2: Evaluate whether counties have the necessary ordinance-making and enforcement authority to deal with flood risk in unincorporated rural and suburban areas of Texas and to ensure that new development in unincorporated areas is not susceptible to flooding.



June 7

Charge: Educator preparation programs


House Committee on Higher Education

Charge: Efforts of 2-year and 4-year institutions to implement innovative and non-traditional models of education delivery

Interim Hearings – Week of May 28, 2018

Today's Committee Meetings on the LRL website is a calendar of interim committee hearings with links to agendas. Below are resources related to upcoming Interim Hearings.


May 29

Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Aging

Topic: Brain health


May 31

Senate Committee on Intergovernmental Relations (Pharr) 

Charge: Housing affordability, effect of local government

Interim Hearings – Week of May 21, 2018

Today's Committee Meetings on the LRL website is a calendar of interim committee hearings with links to agendas. Below are resources related to upcoming Interim Hearings.


May 22

House Committee on Urban Affairs (Houston) 

Topic: Short- and long-term housing needs and related issues resulting from Hurricane Harvey and associated flooding 

  • Action Plans and Amendments (State of Texas Plan for Disaster Recovery: Hurricane Harvey  Round 1, State of Texas Plan for Disaster Recovery: Hurricane Harvey, and amendments), Texas General Land Office, Community Development & Revitalization Program, 2018
  • Recovery Tracker, The Governor's Commission to Rebuild Texas, Updated May 4, 2018
  • Interim Hearings – Week of January 15, 2018, House Committee on Urban Affairs, January 18, Legislative Reference Library, January 8, 2018


Senate Committee on Higher Education

Charge: Funding models


Charge: Veterans health

Charge: State-delivered federal services


May 23

House Committee on Criminal Jurisprudence

Charge 4: Prosecutorial misconduct and ineffective assistance of defense counsel

Charge 5: Legal framework surrounding sexual assault protections


House Committee on Natural Resources (Brady) 

Specific issue related to charge 3: Groundwater policy in Texas; g. emerging issues in groundwater and surface water interaction, in particular in areas of increasing competition for scarce resources


Staff presentation and public testimony (links to Sunset Review Documents for 2018-2019 Review Cycle, 86th Legislative Session):


May 24

House Committee on Appropriations

Charge: Use of federal funds in response to Hurricane Harvey, federal funds and investment in infrastructure projects to reduce impact of future natural disasters

Charge: Texas Emissions Reduction Plan (TERP)

Charge: Allocation of municipal solid waste disposal fee between Waste Management Account 0549 and Solid Waste Disposal Fee Account 5000

Charge: Effectiveness of cost-recovery model as a method of finance for programs and organizations across state government



House Committee on House Administration

Topic: Select committee budgets



House Committee on Public Education

Charge: Research-based options for evaluating student achievement beyond standardized test scores; scope of the current Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS); Student Success Initiative testing

Charge: Public school programs for students with disabilities, with an emphasis on programs specializing in autism, dysgraphia, and dyslexia; implementation and funding of pilot programs authorized in HB 21 and TEA's compliance with SB 160, which prohibits special education student caps



Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Health & Human Services Transition

Invited testimony


Staff presentation and public testimony (links to Sunset Review Documents for 2018-2019 Review Cycle, 86th Legislative Session):

Commission decisions


Interim Hearings – Week of May 14, 2018

Today's Committee Meetings on the LRL website is a calendar of interim committee hearings with links to agendas. Below are resources related to upcoming Interim Hearings.


May 15

House Committees on Defense & Veterans' Affairs and Economic & Small Business Development (10:00 AM, Joint Hearing)

Charge: Economic impact of the aviation, aerospace & defense manufacturing industry in Texas; military veterans transitioning into the workforce; manufacturing industry in the state


House Committee on Defense & Veterans' Affairs (1:00 PM) 

Charge: Homeless veterans in Texas 

Charge: Monitor agencies and programs under the Committee's jurisdiction and implementation of relevant legislation passed by the 85th Legislature; implementation of SB 27, 85th Legislature, R.S., and the related Veterans Mental Health Program, as well as SB 578, 85th Legislature, R.S., and the development of the Veterans Suicide Prevention Action Plan


House Committee on Economic & Small Business Development (1:00 PM) 

Charge 1: Hurricane Harvey's economic and workforce impact on the state and private sector; job training resources

Charge 6: Monitoring agencies and programs under the Committee's jurisdiction and implementation of relevant legislation passed by the 85th Legislature



House Select Committee on Opioids & Substance Abuse

Charge: Implementation of legislation passed by the 85th Legislature regarding Prescription Monitoring Program; prescribing of addictive drugs; overutilization and diversion of addictive prescriptions


Senate Committee on Business & Commerce


May 16

House Select Committee on Cybersecurity (San Antonio)  

Topic: Cybersecurity at the local, state, and federal levels including risks, incidents, preventative measures, and advancements in detection

Topic: Cybersecurity education, curriculum, training, workforce, and outreach to increase interest in the technology career field


May 17

House Committee on Public Health

Charge: Children with mental illness, including trauma- and grief-informed practices; school- or community-based mental health services to children and role of Texas Education Agency and regional Education Service Centers

Interim Hearings – Week of May 7, 2018

Today's Committee Meetings on the LRL website is a calendar of interim committee hearings with links to agendas. Below are resources related to upcoming Interim Hearings. 

May 9

House Committee on Human Services

Charge 2: Managed Care: access to care and network adequacy contractual requirements, Medicaid participant and provider satisfaction within STAR, STAR Health, STAR Kids and STAR+PLUS managed care programs, future delivery of services under a managed care model to additional populations

House Committee on Land & Resource Management (Houston) 

Charge: Texas' eminent domain statutes and balance between infrastructure growth and fair compensation for landowners


May 10

House Committee on County Affairs

Charge 1: Emergency response activities; impact of natural disasters on county finances (Hurricane Harvey)

Charge 2: County ordinance and enforcement authority for flood risk in unincorporated rural and suburban areas


House Committee on Pensions (Dallas) 

Charge: TRS health care (immediate and long-term solvency and plan design of TRS-Care and TRS Active-Care)

Charge: Improving defined benefit programs (strengthening and improving Texas public pension systems)

Charge: Legislative oversight (Monitor agencies and programs under the Committee's jurisdiction and implementation of relevant legislation passed by the 85th Legislature)


Interim Hearings – Week of April 30, 2018

Today's Committee Meetings on the LRL website is a calendar of interim committee hearings with links to agendas. Below are resources related to upcoming Interim Hearings.


April 30

House Select Committee on Texas Ports, Innovation & Infrastructure (Corpus Christi) 

Charge: Maritime port program for "Funding of Port Security, Projects, and Studies" in Chapter 55 of the Texas Transportation Code; Address maritime-related port access and freight mobility needs

Charge: Benefits of SB 28, 85th Legislature, R.S., funding of ship channel improvements

Charge: Maintenance and dredging to ensure navigable waterways and channels, alternative funding to remain competitive in post-Panama Canal expansion era


May 1

House Committee on Corrections

Charge 1: Texas Department of Criminal justice response to Hurricane Harvey, operational stability of state criminal justice institutions following a natural disaster

Charge 2: Social workers and peer support specialists in the Texas criminal justice system

Charge 4: Treatment options, services, and programs available to women in institutional settings, on community supervision, on parole, and in community-based programs


Senate Committee on Business & Commerce

Charge: Grid reliability

Charge: Free market electricity


May 2

House Committee on Business & Industry (South Padre Island) 

Charge 1 (Partial): Workforce to rebuild key infrastructure, as well as residential and commercial properties damaged by Hurricane Harvey; labor needs within construction industry

Charge 5: Texas workers' compensation system, including existing policies on compounded pharmaceuticals and designated doctor assessments; trends in employer participation


May 3

House Committee on Business & Industry (Brownsville)

Charge 1 (Partial): Workforce to rebuild key infrastructure, as well as residential and commercial properties damaged by Hurricane Harvey; labor needs within construction industry

Charge 6: Monitor agencies and programs under the Committee's jurisdiction and implementation of relevant legislation passed by the 85th Legislature, specifically:


Interim Hearings – Week of April 23, 2018

Today's Committee Meetings on the LRL website is a calendar of interim committee hearings with links to agendas. Below are resources related to upcoming Interim Hearings.


Charge 3: Permitting, siting, and regulatory processes for solid waste landfills

Charge 4: Economic impact of National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS)

Charge 5: TCEQ expedited air permitting program


House Committee on Human Services

Charge 2: Managed Care – Medicaid Managed Care history, initiatives of managed care organizations (MCOs) to improve quality and coordination of care, Health and Human Services Commission's (HHSC) oversight of MCOs



House Committee on Investments & Financial Services 

Charge: Impact and risks of a credit bureau security breach on Texans

Charge: Financial technology policy challenges

Topic: Cryptocurrency's potential role in financial sector


Senate Committee on Transportation

Charge: Project acceleration 

Charge: Unified Transportation Program (UTP) 

Charge: Monitor implementation of legislation, specifically:

  • Statutory changes specified in Texas Department of Transportation's (TxDOT) sunset legislation:
    1. requiring toll road entities to use toll revenue to pay back TxDOT for grants used to construct toll roads.
    2. prohibiting TxDOT from operating or transferring a HOV lane as a tolled lane.
    3. authorizing TxDOT to convert non-tolled lanes as toll lanes – only if the number of non-tolled lanes is greater than or equal to the number in existence before the toll conversion project.
    4. prohibiting TxDOT from awarding contracts unless the contractor participates in E-verify

  • Progress of Texas Department of Transportation's (TxDOT) efforts to issue an annual permit for transporting overweight, sealed intermodal shipping containers on TxDOT approved routes within 30 miles of a port of entry or an international bridge.


House Committee on Environmental Regulation

Charge 1: Texas Commission on Environmental Quality's (TCEQ) response and clean-up efforts related to Hurricane Harvey, debris removal, natural disaster response


Senate Committee on Higher Education

Charge: 60x30TX Statewide Plan Review



House Committee on Criminal Jurisprudence  (El Paso) 

Charge 3: Enforcement of criminal laws against low-level possession of marijuana

Charge 8: Monitoring agencies and programs under the Committee's jurisdiction and implementation of relevant legislation passed by the 85th Legislature



Charge 1: Effects of Hurricane Harvey on the courts and legal system

Charge 3: Statutes prescribing fees in civil and criminal matters; fees that may be challenged on grounds similar to those raised in Salinas v. Texas (Tex. Court of Crim. Apps., March 8, 2017)

Charge 7: Monitor implementation of the statewide electronic database of court records ("re:SearchTX")

Interim Hearings – Week of April 16, 2018

Today's Committee Meetings on the LRL website is a calendar of interim committee hearings with links to agendas. Below are resources related to upcoming Interim Hearings.

House Committee on Land & Resource Management

Topic: Testimony from the General Land Office regarding programs offered by the Veterans Land Board and the GLO's coastal management programs


House Committee on Natural Resources Top

Charge 2: Additional issues related to Hurricane Harvey and flooding issues in general:

  1. Development of the initial State Flood Plan by the Texas Water Development Board, and how the plan might be enhanced or focused in light of Harvey
  2. Science and data availability and needs related to flood risk and to responding to flood events
  3. Best methods of providing state financial assistance for flood infrastructure needs
  4. Opportunities for improved collection and storage of flood flows for future supply needs
  5. The role of voluntary land conservation efforts, including conservation easements, in preventing and mitigating flooding


House Select Committee on Opioids & Substance Abuse Top

Continuation of Charge 1: Prevalence and impact of substance use, substance use disorders, opioids, and synthetic drugs in Texas 

Charge 2: Prevalence and impact of substance use and substance use disorders in pregnant women, veterans, homeless individuals, and people with co-occurring mental illness, and impact of opioids; programs in other states to reduce substance abuse 

Charge 3: Policies and guidelines used by state agencies to monitor for and prevent abuse of prescription drugs in state-funded or state-administered programs, including Texas Medicaid Program, the Division of Workers' Compensation of the Texas Department of Insurance, the Teacher Retirement System, and the Employee Retirement System  


House Committee on Transportation Top

10:00 AM

Charge: Ability of Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) to deliver highway construction projects that reduce congestion and improve mobility

House Committee on Transportation Top

1:00 PM

Charge: Impact of energy exploration and production on state and county roads


House Committee on Appropriations Top

Charge: Economic Stabilization Fund (ESF); current methodology used to set ESF cap

Charge: One-time funding and deferral measures

Charge: Implementation of SB 20, 84th Legislature, R.S.; SB 533 and SB 255, 85th Legislature, R.S. (State agency contracting)

Charge: Implementation of Article IX, Sec. 9.13 of the General Appropriations Act (Cybersecurity, information technology, cloud computing)

Charge: Effectiveness of funds appropriated for border security operations


Charge 8: Funding for adult probation departments and juvenile justice system

Charge 9: State crime lab operational structure

Charge 18: Monitor agencies and programs under the Committee's jurisdiction and implementation of legislation, specifically: Department of Public Safety efforts to eliminate sexual assault kit backlog


House Committee on Energy Resources Top

Charge: Railroad Commission of Texas (RRC) response to Hurricane Harvey; protection of the public, natural resources, environment, infrastructure, and industrial facilities in natural disasters; fuel reserves for first responders

Charge: Gas Reliability Infrastructure Program 

Charge: Frac sand mining in the Permian Basin 

Charge: Decommissioning of commercial wind energy facilities 

Charge: Investment in public infrastructure and workforce development in the Permian Basin region  

Charge: Monitor agencies and programs under Committee's jurisdiction and implementation of legislation passed by 85th Legislature, specifically:  

  1. Long-term funding solutions for a stable regulatory structure
  2. Adequacy of well-plugging processes and funds
  3. Cleanup and removal of abandoned equipment
  4. Seismic research needs for the University of Texas Bureau of Economic Geology and any response to research findings by the RRC


House Committee on Public Education Top

Charge: Monitor implementation of legislation, specifically: HB 21, 85th Legislature, 1st C.S.; HB 22 and SB 179, 85th Legislature, R.S.

Topic: Update from the Texas Education Agency regarding issues related to Hurricane Harvey


House Committee on Transportation Top

Charge: Efficacy of existing transportation finance mechanisms from state, regional, and local perspectives

Charge: Texas' various toll authorities and transparency and stakeholder responsiveness


House Committee on Public Health Top

Charge: Treatment of traumatic brain injury, Alzheimer's, and dementia, and opportunities for advancing treatment and cures 

Charge: Organ and bone marrow donations 

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