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Bill Statistics at the 45th Day, 88th Session

Thursday, February 23 marked the 45th day of the 88th Regular Session. That means we're 3/4 of the way to the 60-day bill filing deadline, which is Friday, March 10, 2023.

For those who are curious, here is a look at bill statistics* in comparison to a similar period last session.



Bills and Joint Resolutions 87th Regular Session
(Nov. 9, 2020–Feb. 25, 2021)
88th Regular Session
(Nov. 14, 2022–Feb. 23, 2023)
House filed (HBs & HJRs) 2,401 2,848
Senate filed (SBs & SJRs) 814 1,209
Total filed 3,215 4,057
House referred to committee (HBs & HJRs) 477 675
Senate referred to committee (SBs & SJRs) 3 709
Total referred to committee 480 1,384

*Statistics generated from Texas Legislature Online's Bill Search.


First Day of Prefiling Statistics, 88th Regular Session

In Texas, the House Rules (Rule 8, Section 7) and the Senate Rules (Rule 7.04(a)) allow legislators to prefile bills "beginning the first Monday after the general election preceding the next regular legislative session."


Prefiling for the 88th Texas Legislature began on Monday, November 14, 2022, the first Monday after the general election on Tuesday, November 8, 2022. A total of 920 bills and resolutions were filed in the House and Senate on November 14, a record number for the first day of the prefiling period.


Below are statistics comparing all bills and resolutions filed during the prefiling period for the 71st Legislature (1989) to the 88th Legislature (2023).


Chart comparing the number of bills and joint resolutions filed during the prefiling filing period from the 71st to the 88th legislative sessions.


For a general overview of bill prefiling, see our previous blog post, Bill Prefiling FAQs.

Bills Effective, January 2022

On January 1, 2022, 23 bills passed during the 87th Legislature will take effect. On January 18, 2022, 6 bills passed during the 87th Legislature will take effect.


A few bills passed during the 85th Legislature and 86th Legislature have sections which will also be effective on January 1, 2022.


To keep up with new laws throughout the year, check the Library's list of bill effective dates.

Texas Recognition Months, Weeks, & Days – Year 2022 (87th Legislature, R.S. & 1st–3rd C.S.)

Recognition months, weeks, and days call attention to special events, health issues, industries, people, and more. Some are codified in Texas Government Code, Chapter 662, and highlighted on our website Texas Holidays and Recognition Days, with options to sort by holiday name, type, month, bill, and session.



Texas legislators also pass resolutions and bills in each session to commemorate certain dates. Below are the recognition months, weeks, and days observed with resolutions and bills by the 87th Legislature, Regular Session and 1st–3rd Called Sessions for the year 2022. Click here to see a list of all the recognition dates from this past session. This list includes all enrolled bills and resolutions with Texas Legislature Online (TLO) subjects:

  • Holidays (I0395)
  • Resolutions--Official Designations--10-Year Significant Dates (I0016)
  • Resolutions--Official Designations--Special Dates (I0721)


Session is 87th Legislature, Regular Session, unless Called Session noted.

National Glaucoma Awareness Month (HR 1511)
January 27: International Holocaust Remembrance Day (HB 2728)

American Heart Month (HR 1743)
Black History Month (HR 1334)
February 1: Lunar New Year (HR 1183)
February 15 (Third Tuesday in February): Texas Game Warden Day (SCR 26)

March 2: Texas Independence Day (HR 1612)
March 10: Histotechnology Professionals Day (SCR 21)

Beach Safety and Rip Current Awareness Month (HCR 46)
National Donate Life Month (HR 1610)
Distracted Driving Awareness Month in Texas (HR 1685)
April 1: Hindu New Year (HR 1228)
April 6: Tejano Day (HCR 67)
April 17: Easter (HR 1609)
April 22: Earth Day (HR 536)

National Mental Health Month (HR 1611)
Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Month (HR 920)
May 5: National Day of Prayer in Texas (HR 918)
May 8: Mother's Day (HR 947)
May 21: Armed Forces Day (HR 951)
May 30: Memorial Day (HR 954)

National Dairy Month in Texas (HR 2002)
June 14: Flag Day (HR 1952)
June 19: Father's Day (HR 1687)

Uterine Fibroids Awareness Month (HB 1966)
July 4: Fourth of July (HR 1510)

August (none)

Pulmonary Fibrosis Awareness Month (HR 1500)
September 10: Official State Bison Herd of Texas Day (SR 336)
September 11: Patriot Day (HR 1675)
September 16: National POW/MIA Recognition Day (HR 1504)
September 17: Constitution Day (HR 1502)
September 25: Gold Star Mother's Day (HR 1506)

Mental Health Condition and Substance Use Disorder Parity Awareness Month (HB 2595)
Domestic Violence Awareness Month (HR 13, 87th 2nd C.S.)
Second Week in October: Indigenous Peoples' Week (HCR 62)
October 17 (Third Monday in October): Domestic Violence Survivors' Day (HCR 8, 87th 3rd C.S.)
Last Week in October: Festival of Diwali (HR 1186)

American Diabetes Month (HR 1604)
November 5: Type 1.5 Diabetes Awareness Day (HCR 29)
November 7: Victims of Communism Day (HB 1057)
November 11: Veterans Day (HR 923)
November 17: National Rural Health Day in Texas (HR 1606)
November 25: Thanksgiving (HR 1767)

December 1: Rosa Parks Day (HB 3481)
December 25: Christmas (HR 1608)

Note: Buddy Check Day, 11th Day of Each Month:
"The 11th day of each month is Buddy Check Day to encourage veterans to contact other veterans, including those with whom they served, who may need assistance." (SB 460)

To see recognized months, weeks, and days from the 87th Legislature, Regular Session, for September — December 2021, please view our blog post from July 9, 2021.

To see recognized months, weeks, and days from the 86th Legislature, please view our blog post from December 30, 2019.

Final Bill Statistics, 87th 3rd C.S.

87th Legislature, 3rd Called Session Statistics


November 8 was the last day for the Governor to sign or veto enrolled bills from the 87th Legislature, 3rd Called Session.

The following bill statistics were calculated on November 9, 2021, at 8:05 a.m. 


  House Bills (HBs) &
House Joint Resolutions (HJRs)
Senate Bills (SBs) &
Senate Joint Resolutions (SJRs)
Filed 183 66
Reported out of committee 6 14
Passed by chamber of origin 5 12
Referred to committee in opposite chamber 3 11
Reported out of committee in opposite chamber 3 8
Passed opposite chamber 3 8
Sent to governor (bills only) 3 7
Signed by the governor (bills only) 3 7


Bill Statistics, October 21

87th Legislature, 3rd Called Session Statistics


The 87th Legislature, 3rd Called Session, adjourned Sine Die on October 19, 2021. The last day for the Governor to sign or veto bills is Monday, November 8.

The following bill statistics were calculated on October 21, 2021, at 8:15 a.m.


  House Bills (HBs) &
House Joint Resolutions (HJRs)
Senate Bills (SBs) &
Senate Joint Resolutions (SJRs)
Filed 183 66
Reported out of committee 6 14
Passed by chamber of origin 5 12
Referred to committee in opposite chamber 3 11
Reported out of committee in opposite chamber 3 8
Passed opposite chamber 3 8
Sent to governor (bills only) 3 6
Signed by the governor (bills only) 0 0


Constitutional Amendment Election, November 2021

The Texas Constitution is changed through amendments, which are proposed by the Texas Legislature and accepted or rejected by the voters. A constitutional amendment is initially considered by the legislature in the form of a joint resolution.


On November 2, 2021, Texas voters will have a chance to consider eight constitutional amendments proposed during the 87th Legislature, Regular Session. This year's proposed amendments cover a wide range of topics, including taxation, candidates for judicial office, and more.


For background and analysis of the proposed amendments that will appear on the election ballot, see the House Research Organization's Constitutional Amendments Proposed for November 2021 Ballot, and the Texas Legislative Council's Analyses of Proposed Constitutional Amendments.


Since the current Texas Constitution was adopted in 1876, voters have approved 507 amendments. For information on how to search for proposed and adopted amendments from other sessions, see our Constitutional Amendments webpage.


Amendments Proposed for the November 2, 2021, ballot by the 87th Legislature


Joint Resolution Proposition Number Topic
HJR 143 1 The constitutional amendment authorizing the professional sports team charitable foundations of organizations sanctioned by the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association or the Women’s Professional Rodeo Association to conduct charitable raffles at rodeo venues.
HJR 99 2 The constitutional amendment authorizing a county to finance the development or redevelopment of transportation or infrastructure in unproductive, underdeveloped, or blighted areas in the county.
SJR 27 3 The constitutional amendment to prohibit this state or a political subdivision of this state from prohibiting or limiting religious services of religious organizations.
SJR 47 4 The constitutional amendment changing the eligibility requirements for a justice of the supreme court, a judge of the court of criminal appeals, a justice of a court of appeals, and a district judge.
HJR 165 5 The constitutional amendment providing additional powers to the State Commission on Judicial Conduct with respect to candidates for judicial office.
SJR 19 6 The constitutional amendment establishing a right for residents of certain facilities to designate an essential care giver for in-person visitation.
HJR 125 7 The constitutional amendment to allow the surviving spouse of a person who is disabled to receive a limitation on the school district ad valorem taxes on the spouse’s residence homestead if the spouse is 55 years of age or older at the time of the person’s death.
SJR 35 8 The constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide for an exemption from ad valorem taxation of all or part of the market value of the residence homestead of the surviving spouse of a member of the armed services of the United States who is killed or fatally injured in the line of duty.


Legislative Wrap-Ups, 87th Legislature

Following each legislative session in Texas, organizations, state agencies, and other entities publish "wrap-ups" summarizing new laws and key legislative developments in areas ranging from education to real estate to water conservation. Wrap-ups can range from a simple list of bills to a detailed report that includes background information and expert analysis.

The LRL tracks legislative wrap-ups, as we find them to be an excellent research tool and summary of the topics covered during a particular session. Listed below is a short selection. To find one on a topic that interests you, check the websites of organizations or state agencies that focus on the issue, or contact the library for assistance.


State Agencies

Employees Retirement System of Texas (ERS)
87th Texas Legislature Sets Retirement Plan on Path to Solvency


Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUC)
June 24 Open Meeting; Summary of the 87th Legislative Session


State Bar of Texas
The 87th Session: Overview


Teacher Retirement System of Texas (TRS)


Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ)
Summaries of Selected Legislation Passed by the 87th Legislature, Regular Session


Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR)


Texas Department of Insurance (TDI)


Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR)
87th Texas Legislature TDLR-Related Bills


Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS)
87th Legislative Session: 2021


Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT)
Keeping Texas Connected: Summary of Enacted Transportation and General Government Legislation (87th Legislature, 2021)


Texas Education Agency (TEA)
The Texas Education Agency Briefing Book on Public Education Legislation


Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB)
Summary of Higher Education Legislation: 87th Texas Legislature, Regular Session


Texas Workforce Commission (TWC)
Employment and Housing Laws Enacted During the 87th Legislature



Associations and Organizations

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Texas
Texas 2021 Legislative Session: What changed for Texans?


Children at Risk
87th Texas Legislative Session Report: Wins and Missed Opportunities for Texas Children


Equality Texas (EQTX)


Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute
87th Texas Legislature Regular Sesssion Wrap Up


Nonprofit Law and Policy Blog
87th Texas Legislature, 2021 Regular Session: Summary of Issues Affecting Nonprofit Organizations


Texas Association of Business (TAB)
87th Legislative Session Recap


Texas Association of Counties (TAC)
2021 Legislative Analysis Report: 87th Legislature, Regular Session


Texas CASA
87th Legislative Overview: CASA Funding & Passed Legislation


Texas Collaborative for Healthy Mothers and Babies (TCHMB)
The 87th Legislature and Maternal and Infant Health


Texas District & County Attorneys Association (TDCAA)


Texas Homeowners Association Law
Texas HOA Law - 2021 Legislative Update


Texas Hospital Association (THA)
Health Care and the 87th Texas Legislature: Outcomes for Hospitals


Texas Library Association (TLA)
Wrap up: Texas Legislative Session


Texas Medical Association (TMA)


Texas Municipal League (TML)


Texas Pharmacy Association (TPA)
2021 Texas Legislative Wrap-Up: 87th Texas Legislative Session


Texas Rural Water Association (TRWA)
Summary of 87th Legislative Session Bills that Impact the Texas Water Business


Texas Taxpayers and Research Association (TTARA)

Final Bill Statistics, 87th 2nd C.S.

87th Legislature, 2nd Called Session Statistics


The following bill statistics were calculated on September 23, 2021.


  House Bills (HBs) &
House Joint Resolutions (HJRs)
Senate Bills (SBs) &
Senate Joint Resolutions (SJRs)
Filed 272 108
Reported out of committee 7 20
Passed by chamber of origin 5 17
Referred to committee in opposite chamber 4 15
Reported out of committee in opposite chamber 4 13
Passed opposite chamber 4 11
Sent to governor (bills only) 4 10
Signed by the governor (bills only) 4 10


Finding Session Law Chapters

The General and Special Laws of Texas, often referred to as the "session laws," constitute a complete set of all bills passed into law by each session of the Texas legislature. The Secretary of State assigns each passed Act a chapter number. Following each legislative session, the Acts are arranged in chapter-number order and published as a bound set.

Session law chapter numbers are included in session law citations, which are listed after each section of code in the Texas statutes as a means to track the legislative history of a statute.

For example, Texas Government Code, Sec. 405.014. Acts of the Legislature, includes the following session law citations:

Note: For a thorough legislative history of a Texas statute, see the bound volumes of Vernon's Texas Codes and Statutes Annotated, which are available in the LRL's collection.

For a discussion and examples of various session law citations, see Chapter 7, Subchapter C, Section 7.64. Session Laws and Bills from the Texas Legislative Council Drafting Manual.

87th Legislative Session

The Secretary of State's Bills and Resolutions webpage lists the session law chapter assigned to each bill that is enacted into law.

For example, when looking at the list of House Bills from the 87th Regular Session, the first column with the heading "Bill," lists the bill numbers. The second column with the heading "Chapter," contains the corresponding chapter number.

For questions about bill/chapter numbers for bills from the 87th Regular Session, please contact the Secretary of State's office at (512) 463-5561.

1st — 87th Legislative Sessions

Session law chapter numbers for previous sessions are available online through the Legislative Archive System on the LRL's website.

To view the complete bill/session law chapter cross reference table for a session, use the "Search by session law chapter" option.
Select a legislative session in the drop-down menu and leave the chapter box blank, then click on "Search by chapter."


For example, the bill/chapter cross reference table for the 87th Regular Session lists the session law chapters, the corresponding bills, and the bill captions or bill subjects.


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