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60-Day Bill Filing Deadline FAQ

60-Day Filing Deadline F.A.Q.:

When is the deadline for filing bills?

The deadline for filing bills and joint resolutions, other than local bills, emergency appropriations, and bills that have been declared an emergency by the governor, is the 60th calendar day after the legislature convenes for its regular session.


When is the 60-day filing deadline for the 85th regular session of the Texas Legislature?

Friday, March 10th, 2017.


Where can I find the other deadlines for the 85th regular session?

Other significant dates can be found on the Legislative Council's Dates of Interest page. The Texas Legislative Council also created a calendar showing deadlines for action under the House and Senate Rules for the last month of the regular session. End-of-session deadline calendars and dates of interest for previous sessions are available on our website: Session Deadline Calendars.


What happens next?

As indicated in Sec. 5(b), Art. III of the Texas Constitution, for the next 30 days of the regular legislative session, the committees of each chamber hold hearings to consider all bills, resolutions, and other undecided matters.


Did you know?:

  • After the 60-day filing deadline during a regular session, any proposed bill or joint resolution requires permission to introduce by an affirmative vote of four-fifths of those members present and voting (see Senate Rule 7.07(b) and House Rule 8, Sec.8) Local bills, emergency appropriations, and emergency matters submitted by the governor are not subject to these rules.

Playing to Win with Rep. Bob Davis

This is the third installment in our occasional series, "Texas Treasures," highlighting some of the men and women who have served in the Texas Legislature. In previous posts, we featured Rep. Frank Calhoun and Sen. A.R. "Babe" Schwartz.


A lot of strong words have been used to describe former Rep. Bob Davis—intense, shrewd, wily, riveting. And with good reason. Words applied to lawmakers with ordinary resolve and conventional political skills are too meager for a man Texas Monthly once called: "beyond moderation . . . beyond classification . . . a player so avid he raises political gamesmanship to the intensity of a force of nature."1


Robert Eugene "Bob" Davis represented Dallas County in the House of Representatives from 1973-1983. During his tenure he served on the body's most powerful committees including: Calendars; Ways and Means, which he presided over for two sessions; and Regions, Compacts, and Districts, currently known as Redistricting. Davis was also a member of the House Insurance committee for three sessions, serving as chairman during the 65th Legislature.


Following his freshman session, Davis was a delegate to the Texas Constitutional Convention and a member of the Citizens' Conference on State Legislatures, a precursor to the National Conference of State Legislatures.


The power of Davis' political resolve was untested when he entered the race for a House seat in 1972. He was young, inexperienced, and virtually unknown to the voters of his district when he signed on as a last-minute recruit in a landmark election season.


"I was 30 years old at the time of filing. My wife was pregnant with our third child, and it wasn't a good time," Davis explained. "A lawyer I knew called me in June and told me the Republican candidate had to drop out. He said: 'We have called 39 people, and no one wants to run. Are you interested?' I said yes and became a replacement candidate."2


It didn't take long for Davis to prove himself a worthy replacement. His affinity for hard work and his status as a Republican worked to his advantage during the campaign—as did his lack of political experience. "I never really thought I would lose," Davis told the Irving Daily News after his stunning victory.3


The political odds were definitely in Davis' favor that year. Outrage over the Sharpstown Stock Fraud Scandal set the stage for a watershed election in 1972. And a court-ordered redistricting plan that required Dallas County to shift to single-member districts had provided a promising opening for a Republican candidate.4


Once committed, Davis seized the opportunity. In the notorious "year they threw the rascals out," he trounced a well-known incumbent and joined a corps of reform-minded freshmen who were sent to Austin to shake things up.


When the 63rd Legislature convened in 1973, almost half of the House members were first-time lawmakers, and "none were greener than I," Davis remarked.5


After taking office, Davis' knack for the political craft made it clear he was uniquely qualified to shake things up. Green or not, he was definitely a player.


Davis was featured in Texas Monthly's biennial assessment of best and worst lawmakers three times during his legislative career. Reflecting on his well-known status as a political heavyweight, Davis recalled two skills that were emphasized during freshman orientation: knowledge of the rules and personal relationships.


"My ideas were set when I first arrived. The exercise of power is really just an appreciation of knowledge—like the rules and the process—and personalities. There is nothing magical about it . . . I always had an affinity for the Rules of Procedure. My mastery of them helped me become a formidable opponent . . . It was also important to learn what was going on in the basement. I thought what we were doing was important, so I played hard, and I played to win."6


Davis authored over 150 pieces of legislation during his 10-year career, many of which dealt with complex aspects of insurance and tax law. Of particular significance were bills passed in 1977 and 1979 related to taxation of intangible property and valuation of agricultural land.7


At issue, particularly in cities like Irving which Davis represented, was whether large tracts of undeveloped land should be taxed based on productivity rather than fair market value. Davis argued in favor of switching to an "ag-use" valuation that would reduce the tax burden on farmers who were in danger of being forced to sell their land.


Opponents of the legislation were concerned the ultimate beneficiaries would be real estate developers and that cities would make up for lost revenue by raising taxes on homeowners. Acknowledging his bill drew no distinction between corporate and individual landowners, Davis made the case that promoting agricultural production was a worthy goal regardless of ownership.8 Davis and others successfully addressed homeowners' concerns in a constitutional amendment authored by Tim Von Dohlen. Considered together, the legislation provided a balanced solution to an acute problem and included tax relief for homeowners as well as farmers.


Altering tax policy is among the most contentious tasks a lawmaker can take on, and not every member is up to the challenge. In this case, Davis and his colleagues negotiated a tradeoff between urban and rural interests that saved cities from a huge tax increase and allowed agricultural land to remain in production.9


As a result of his efforts, Davis was named one of Texas Monthly's "ten best" and one of Texas Business magazine's "five best" legislators in 1979. It also burnished his credentials as a "peerless strategist" and a "genius" at the legislative process.10


Davis' expertise in addressing complex issues earned him several positions in state government after leaving the legislature in 1983. Three years after returning to his private law practice, Davis became director of budget and planning for Gov. Bill Clements, an experience he said was "fun and difficult."11 He also served on Governor Clements' taxation committee and was a member of the General Services Commission from 1989 to 1995.12


Davis practiced law for several years after completing his service in state government. Eventually, he eased out of litigation and focused on wills, estates, and regulatory matters. Davis is now enjoying what he calls "a comfortable period of doing a whole lotta nuthin'." 13


Looking back on his legislative service, Davis recalls: "The Legislature was a fascinating place for me . . . I didn't want to give up doing the job of a member, but I absolutely became tired of the process of getting elected." 14


Davis says he is not political now. He leaves that work to his son, Doug, and his daughter-in-law, Karina.


When we spoke in October, Davis and his wife were preparing for a trip to the Pacific Northwest. "We will be enjoying ourselves and following the trail of Lewis and Clark"15—a fitting journey of discovery for a "force of nature."


A collection of Representative Davis' legislative memorabilia is on display in the Legislative Reference Library.


1 Burka, Paul. "The Ten Best and the Ten Worst Legislators," Texas Monthly, July 1981, p. 108.

2 Davis, Bob, interview by Nancy Watson and Lindsay Wickham, 10/14/2016.

3 Wilson, Doris E. "Bob Davis: New State Rep Champing at the Bit to Start," Irving Daily News, 11/26/1972, p. 1.

4 Deaton, Charles. The Year They Threw the Rascals Out, Austin, TX: Shoal Creek Publishers, 1973, p. 151, 153.

5 Davis, Bob, 10/14/2016.

6 Ibid.

7 Legislative Reference Library, Legislative Archive System, accessed 1/16/2017.

8 McDaniel, Ann. "The 'Ag-Use' Tax: Does it Spell Relief?" Dallas Times-Herald, 5/6/1979.

9 Davis, Bob, 10/14/2016.

10 Burka, Paul, "The Ten Best and the Ten Worst Legislators," Texas Monthly, July 1979, p. 95.

11 Davis, Bob, 10/14/2016.

12 Legislative Reference Library, Texas Appointment System, accessed 1/17/2017.

13 Davis, Bob, 10/14/2016.

14 Ibid.

15 Ibid.

Week in Review, March 2

In this weekly post, we feature online articles and policy reports published recently, and other helpful research tools.

  • Read the Trump administration's executive order related to the "Waters of the United States" rule. (The White House, February 28, 2017)
  • Consider the racial divide related to public opinion on police use of force. (Cato Institute, March 1, 2017)
  • Review the effectiveness of post-secondary education savings accounts.  (Governing, March 2017)
  • Examine the state budget process in Texas. (House Research Organization, February 16, 2017)

Bill Statistics at the 45th Day of Session

Thursday, February 23 marked the 45th day of the 85th Regular Session. That means we're 3/4 of the way to the 60-day bill filing deadline, which is Friday, March 10, 2017. For those who are curious, here is a look at bill statistics in comparison to a similar period last session.


Bills and Joint Resolutions
84th Regular Session

(Nov. 10, 2014-Feb. 26, 2015)
85th Regular Session

(Nov. 14, 2016-Feb. 23, 2017)
House filed 2,057 2,396
Senate filed 834 1,094
Total filed 2,891 3,490
House referred to committee 837 1,024
Senate referred to committee 721 814
Total referred to committee 1,558 1,838
House scheduled for hearing 25 3
Senate scheduled for hearing 24 32
Total scheduled for hearing 49 35
House reported out of committee 2 2
Senate reported out of committee 5 23
Total reported out of committee 7 25


Week in Review, February 23

In this weekly post, we feature online articles and policy reports published recently, and other helpful research tools.

  • Examine how millennials’ consumer behavior will affect freight in Texas. (Texas A&M Transportation Institute, January 2017)
  • Read about garbage in the Arctic Ocean. (CityLab, February 16, 2017)
  • Consider federal funding sources in the state budget. (Legislative Budget Board, January 2017)
  • Review statewide recidivism rates. (Legislative Budget Board, January 2017)
  • See where Fortune 500 businesses are headquartered. (Fortune, accessed on February 23, 2017)

New & Noteworthy List for February 2017

New & Noteworthy List for February 2017 Request Form (PDF)

In honor of Black History Month, we are highlighting books by or about African Americans from our collection. To arrange check out and delivery of any of these items, please contact the library at 463-1252. 

1. Anti-Black Violence in Twentieth-Century Texas By Bruce A. Glasrud, editor.
Provides a striking collection of essays by historians, journalists, and writers on the history of racial violence against African Americans in Texas. Demonstrates the persistence of racial violence across time, from lynchings in Lamar County (1890-1920) to the beating of Billy Ray Johnson in 2003. Argues that to understand present-day race relations, the violence against African Americans in the past must be examined.
Texas A&M University Press, 2015. 209 pages.
305.896 G463 2015


2. Black Intellectual Thought in Education: The Missing Traditions of Anna Julia Cooper, Carter G. Woodson, and Alain LeRoy Locke By Carl A. Grant, Keffrelyn D. Brown, and Anthony L. Brown
Presents the history of black intellectual thought through the eyes of three prominent black academic scholars. Celebrates the contributions of Anna Julia Cooper, Carter G. Woodson (known as the Father of Black History Month), and Alain Leroy Locke, to the causes of social science, education and democracy in America. Offers a powerful counter-narrative to the educational discourse and critical social theory established in the mainstream of American thought. Highlights ideas that should be examined to deal with prevailing educational issues of today.
Routledge, 2016. 185 pages.
371.829 G767 2016



3. Black Women in Texas History By Bruce A. Glasrud and Merline Pitre, editors.
Looks at how African American women have been shaped by the larger culture as well as how these women have affected the culture and history of Texas. Compiles essays written by era experts to survey African American women's experiences through time and themes, including slavery and freedom, Reconstruction, the Civil Rights Era, and more. Argues that often-disenfranchised black women actively pursued ways to make their voices heard and build community.
Texas A&M University Press, 2008. 248 pages.
325.26 B64W 2008



4. Juneteenth Texas: Essays in African-American Folklore By Francis Edward Abernethy, Patrick B. Mullen, and Alan B. Govenar, editors.
Presents a wide variety of viewpoints on African-American folklore in Texas, including personal memoirs, essays describing various aspects of African-American folk culture and specific genres of songs and stories, and theoretical scholarly articles. Includes an essay on the history of the Juneteenth celebration in Texas, highlighting the path to establishing it as an official state holiday with the passage of HB1016, 66th Legislature.
University of North Texas Press, 1996. 364 pages.
398 AB37 1996



5. Playing in Shadows: Texas and Negro League Baseball By Rob Fink
Explores the significant role African American baseball teams in Texas and black Texans had in shaping the state's African American communities and building community pride and racial identity. Profiles the prominent role of Texan Andrew "Rube" Foster and his leadership in forming the Negro National League, the first black national professional league. Examines black newspapers and uses oral history interviews and autobiographies to flesh out the activities of specific players and Texas' own professional Texas-Oklahoma-Louisiana League of 1929 to 1931.
Texas Tech University Press, 2010. 165 pages.
796.357 F495P 2010



6. The Ground on Which I Stand: Tamina, a Freemen's Town By Marti Corn
Chronicles the lives, dreams, and spirit of the people of Tamina, a rural community north of Houston, established by newly freed slaves in 1871. Presents a multifaceted portrait of twelve descendent families through intimate photographs and oral histories gathered from residents who represent a variety of backgrounds. Shares stories of challenges and opportunities along with the residents' deep pride and love for Tamina.
Texas A&M University Press, 2016. 140 pages.
976.4153 C814 2016



7. The Original Black Elite: Daniel Murray and the Story of a Forgotten Era By Elizabeth Dowling Taylor
Presents the story of the black elites who thrived in the nation’s capital during reconstruction, told through the life of Daniel Murray (1851-1925), who was appointed Assistant Librarian at the Library of Congress and considered a prominent member of this “elite” class. Chronicles the rise and calculated fall of upper-class African Americans, a group of prominent educators, doctors, senators and lawyers, from Emancipation through Reconstruction to the Jim Crow Era. Includes photographs and maps.
Amistad Publishers, 2017. 498 pages.
973.04 T213 2017


Research Minute: Finding Sunset Bills

Every legislative session, about 20-30 agencies go through the Sunset process—the regular assessment of the continuing need for a state agency or program to exist. The Sunset Advisory Commission submitted its Report to the 85th Legislature on Friday, Feb. 10. Per Sunset procedures, an agency, program, policy, or law will be abolished on its "sunset" date unless the legislature passes a bill to continue it. Such bills often enact revised policies as recommended in the review process.

Wondering how you can find these bills? The Sunset Commission recently added a page dedicated to the 85th Legislature where you can see which agencies were reviewed and what bills have been filed. They also are tweeting Sunset bills as they are filed.


In addition, you can find Sunset bills on Texas Legislature Online. Select "Search" from the top navigation, and pull down to "Bill Search." From that screen, go to the Subjects section and click on "Select subject criteria." This will pull up the box as seen below. (If your pop-up blocker is enabled, you may have to tell it to allow this exception.) Do a search for "sunset," then select "Sunset--Commission Bills (I0772). Click on the right arrow to move it to your "Selected" subjects, then click OK to return to the main Bill Search screen.

From here, you can click on "Search" in the top right corner, and you will get your results. You can refine your results to particular subjects of interest, look back at past years' sunset bills, and more.


Week in Review, February 16

In this weekly post, we feature online articles and policy reports published recently, and other helpful research tools.

  • Examine federal funding that goes to cities considered sanctuary cities. (Open the Books, February 2017)
  • Read about the impact of arts education in Texas. (Texas Cultural Trust, 2017)
  • Explore a hundred years of transportation in Texas. (Texas Department of Transportation, 2017)
  • Consider policy proposals related to sexual orientation and gender identity. (The Heritage Foundation, February 13, 2017)


Texas Legislative Guides: 85th Regular Session

This post includes a list of guides published by Texas legislative agencies to assist you in following the legislative process. These guides will help you track and read a bill, understand the terminology used in the Texas Legislature, learn about issues facing the Legislature, and much more.


Texas Legislative Information and Resources, prepared by the Research Division of the Texas Legislative Council for the 85th Legislature (2017).
Identifies resources for locating information that is available about current and past legislation.

Research Spotlight: Legislative Lexicon, prepared by the Texas Senate Research Center (2017).
Provides definitions of words, terms, and phrases used in the Legislature.

Reading Statutes and Bills, prepared by the Research Division of the Texas Legislative Council (2017).
Presents a basic overview of Texas statutes and bills, as well as tips for reading and understanding them.

Topics for the 85th Legislature, by House Research Organization (2016).
Highlights many of the issues the 85th Legislature may consider during its 2017 regular session.

Texas Legislative Glossary, prepared by the Texas Legislative Council for the 85th Legislature.
Defines terms related to the legislative process in Texas.


Issues Facing the 85th Texas Legislature, prepared by the Texas Senate Research Center (2017).
Outlines broad categories and topics of interest for the 85th Legislature.





New Texas African American Monument

The newest monument on the Texas Capitol grounds, unveiled on November 19, 2016, is dedicated to African Americans in Texas. Located on the South Capitol grounds, the monument is made up of bronze panels depicting the historical contributions of African Americans to Texas over the state's long history.


Legislative History

The monument has a legislative history that goes back over 25 years. In 1991, Sen. Rodney Ellis and Rep. Al Edwards passed SCR 49, 72R, directing the State Preservation Board to explore opportunities to revere and honor some of the outstanding historical figures from all ethnic cultures with regard to new monuments on the Capitol grounds. In the following session in 1993, Ellis and Rep. Garnet Coleman passed SCR 97, 73R, directing the State Preservation Board to include in its long-range master plan for the Capitol grounds a permanent monument in tribute to African American and Mexican American Texans.


Later, in 1997, Rep. Al Edwards and Sen. Jerry Patterson passed HB 1216, 75R. The bill created the Texas Emancipation Juneteenth Cultural and Historical Commission and gave it a mission to collect and commemorate the history of Juneteenth, the day that marks the arrival of President Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation in Texas. At that time, Edwards envisioned the monument as an Emancipation Juneteenth memorial monument.


The 1997 bill was followed by several more legislative measures:
    •  HB 1865, 76R, by Edwards and Sen. Royce West, Relating to the operations of the Texas Emancipation Juneteenth Cultural and Historical Commission.
    •  HB 1368, 76R, by Edwards and Sen. Chris Harris, Relating to the site of the Emancipation Juneteenth memorial monument.
    •  HCR 176, 81R, by Edwards and Sen. Tommy Williams, Expressing continued support for the establishment of a Juneteenth memorial monument on the grounds of the State Capitol at the location previously approved by the State Preservation Board.


In 2011, during the 82nd Regular Session, legislators expanded the scope of the monument to provide a broader representation of African American history in Texas. The bill that made these changes was SB 1928, 82R (by Ellis and Rep. Alma Allen), relating to an African American Texans memorial monument on the Capitol grounds; SCR 51, 82R (by Ellis and Allen) expressed the legislature's support for this shift in the monument's subject matter. The dedication program includes lists of those who served on the Texas African American History Memorial Committee, donors, and others who have been involved with the project.


The monument features notable Texas African Americans including Estevanico de Dorantes (the first African to set foot on Texas soil), Hendrick Arnold (a special agent in the Battle of the Republic and in the Indian wars), and Sam McCullough (one of the first casualties of the Texas Revolution). Emancipation is the central core element of the memorial, featuring a 9-foot-high image of a male and female slave having broken the bonds of slavery, dedicated to the 182,500 slaves that were freed on June 19, 1865. Also illustrated are the slave experience, from arrival to slaves' work in the fields and industry, and depictions of Black Texans' contributions to the state, from the Buffalo Soldiers to musicians to astronauts. To learn more about the monument, please see https://tspb.texas.gov/prop/tcg/tcg-monuments/21_african_american_history/index.html.


Did you know?

Ed Dwight, the sculptor who designed and created the African American Texans monument, also created the memorial to Congressman (and former Texas legislator) Mickey Leland at Houston's Intercontinental Airport.


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