The Library is continually adding new books to its collection. Below are the titles from our April 2023 New & Noteworthy list.
Check out and delivery of New & Noteworthy titles is available to legislative staff in Capitol and District offices. To arrange check out and delivery of any of these items, you can submit an online request through the New & Noteworthy page on our website or contact the library at 512-463-1252.

1. Major Issues of the 87th Legislature
By House Research Organization
Presents a selection of bills, arranged by subject, from the 87th Legislature that became law and some that did not. Includes bills from the regular and three called special sessions. Provides summaries of the legislation and arguments offered for and against each measure as it was debated.
House Research Organization, 2023, 165 pages
L1801.9 ST94 87-7

2. Sharpening the Legal Mind: How to Think Like a Lawyer
By William Powers Jr.
Explains how lawyers analyze the cases and controversies that come before the courts. Presents an introduction to the academic study of the law, including the philosophy of law and the intellectual history of legal thought. Addresses the relationship of legislatures to judges and the courts.
University of Texas Press, 2023, 224 pages
349.7309 P888SH 2023

3. Tax Exemptions and Tax Incidence: A Report to the Governor and the 88th Legislature
By Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
Addresses Texas tax exemptions available to payers of sales, franchise, motor vehicle sales, oil production, and natural gas production taxes, as well as property taxes levied by Texas school districts. Provides estimates of the value of each exemption, exclusion, discount, deduction, special accounting method, credit, refund, and special appraisal, based on revenue projections derived from the updated 2022-23 Certification Revenue Estimate report.
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts, 2023, 77 pages
C2600.8 T199 2023

4. Topics for the 88th Legislature
By House Research Organization
Highlights prominent issues lawmakers may consider during the 88th Texas Legislature. Summarizes a variety of topics including property tax relief, border security initiatives, school choice, rural health care, and how to allocate an expected budget surplus.
House Research Organization, 2023, 12 pages
L1801.9 ST94 88-1

5. Win Every Argument: The Art of Debating, Persuading, and Public Speaking
By Mehdi Hasan
Discusses the art of rhetoric and argumentation. Provides advice on understanding audiences, debate basics, and persuading opponents. Presents strategies for how to win an argument and how to avoid potential pitfalls. Analyzes real-life examples of arguments ranging from everyday discussions to televised political debates, breaking down what did and did not work.
Henry Holt and Company, 2023, 317 pages
303.342 H344W 2023

6. Laboratories Against Democracy: How National Parties Transformed State Politics
By Jacob M. Grumbach
Describes American federalism in context with the current political landscape of shifting policymaking to the state level within the political parties and activist groups. Argues that this shift and an increase in party polarization has resulted in policy differences between states in areas such as health care, reproductive rights, and climate change. Contends the foundations of democracy are backsliding after examining new data on state policy, public opinion, and campaign finance.
Princeton University Press, 2022, 261 pages
320.973 G887L 2022

7. The U.S. Criminal Justice System in the Pandemic Era and Beyond: Taking Stock of Efforts to Maintain Safety and Justice Through the COVID-19 Pandemic and Prepare for Future Challenges
By Brian A. Jackson, et al.
Examines the challenges and risks faced by the U.S. criminal justice system during the COVID-19 pandemic and the national protest movement triggered by the death of George Floyd. Details the innovative and collaborative responses of law enforcement, court systems, and corrections agencies. Summarizes the justice system’s swift adaptation to the pandemic in a multitude of areas, including staffing systems, physical infrastructure, health and safety, and “virtual” communications. Recommends practices and broad policy changes for each sector of the system.
RAND Corporation, 2021, 303 pages
364.973 J12UN 2021