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Interim Hearings – Week of January 15, 2018

Today's Committee Meetings on the LRL website is a calendar of interim committee hearings with links to agendas. Below are resources related to upcoming Interim Hearings.


January 16

House Committee on Criminal Jurisprudence CANCELED

Charge: Death penalty for defendants with serious mental illness or intellectual and developmental disabilities


January 17

House Committee on Defense & Veterans' Affairs CANCELED

Charge: Impact of Hurricane Harvey related to the Texas Military Department, Emergency Management Council, and the Texas Division of Emergency Management


January 18

House Committee on General Investigating & Ethics (Houston) 

Charge:  Oversight of federal, state, local, and charitable funds spent in response to Hurricane Harvey

House Committee on Urban Affairs (Houston)

Topic: Short- and long-term housing needs and related issues resulting from Hurricane Harvey and associated flooding

Current Articles and Research Resources, January 4

In this weekly post, we feature helpful research tools and recent articles of interest to the legislative community.

  • Find resources related to homeowners' associations law. (Library of Congress, December 7, 2017)
  • Consider issues related to face scanning in airports. (Georgetown Law, Center on Privacy & Technology, December 21, 2017)
  • Examine graduation rates by state. (Education Week, December 7, 2017)
  • Explore the Congressional Record from its first issue forward. (U.S. Government Publishing Office, January 3, 2018)

Members of the Texas legislative community may request the articles below here or by calling 512-463-1252.

  • "No way out." By Barbara Bradley Hagerty. Atlantic Monthly, January/February 2018, pp. 54-66.
    Profiles the case of Benjamine Spencer, sentenced to life for the 1987 Dallas murder of Jeffrey Young. Examines the work of Jim McCloskey and Centurion Ministries in trying to prove Spencer's innocence.
    See: https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2018/01/no-way-out/546575/
  • "Shale oil." By Alex Nussbaum and David Wethe. Bloomberg Businessweek, January 8, 2018, p. 72.
    Discusses the future of shale oil producers, particularly those in the Permian Basin. Details anxiety in the oil market regarding the shale oil industry's sustainability.
  • "Insecure ballots." By Warren Richey. Christian Science Monitor, December 11, 2017, pp. 26-32.
    Presents the findings of a Christian Science Monitor study of the vulnerabilities of the American election system.
  • "It's open season." By Dean DeChiaro. CQ Weekly, December 4, 2017, pp. 30-33.
    Discusses changes in immigration policy under the Trump administration — specifically, the removal of prosecutorial discretion when enforcing immigration law. Highlights the case of an undocumented girl with cerebral palsy who was arrested and detained in Texas after seeking medical help.
  • "Business and society: America Inc gets woke." Economist, December 2nd-8th, 2017, pp. 53-55.
    Reports reactions to the Trump administration are reinforcing a longer-term trend for former apolitical businesses to make their voices heard on social issues.
  • "Older Americans were sicker and faced more financial barriers to health care than counterparts in other countries." By Robin Osborn, et al. Health Affairs, December 2017, pp. 2123-2132.
    Surveys elderly adults across eleven countries and finds that seniors in the United States were sicker than their counterparts in other countries and faced more financial barriers to health care.
  • The promises and pitfalls of treating addiction." By Jessica L. Gregg. Health Affairs, December 2017, pp. 2204-2206.
    Relates an addiction medicine physician's personal experience treating opioid addiction. Notes that addressing the epidemic will require involvement from primary care providers, not just specialized treatment facilities.
  • "Houston area law enforcement leaders favor drug policy reform." Internet Resource, 12/08/2017, pp. 1-8.
    Offers informed perspectives on the detrimental effects of the war on drugs as well as a rationale for a new approach to dealing with nonviolent drug offenders. Includes excerpts from interviews with Sylvester Turner, Rodney Ellis, Art Acevedo, and others.
    See: https://www.bakerinstitute.org/media/files/research-document/ee3d9e84/bi-brief-120817-drug-policyreform.pdf
  • "Texas ranks higher in oil and gas allure." Oil and Gas Journal, December 4, 2017, pp. 34-35.
    Reports that, according to the Fraser Institute of Canada's annual Global Petroleum Survey, Texas holds the top rank as the "most attractive jurisdiction globally for oil and gas investment."
    Report at: https://www.fraserinstitute.org/sites/default/files/global-petroleum-survey-2017.pdf
  • "Public health: lead in drinking water: past, present, and future." By Caroline Russell, Philip Brandhuber, and Darren Lytle. Opflow, December 2017, pp. 10-15.
    Explores the regulation and use of lead in plumbing materials.
  • "The end of free speech." By Katherine Mangu-Ward. Reason, January 2018, pp. 18-26.
    Argues that both the right and the left are willing to abridge free speech rights in the "service of partisan goals." Highlights recent events such as NFL player protests and Charlottesville rallies.
  • "Not so fast." By Jeffrey Mervis. Science, December 15, 2017, pp. 1370-1374.
    Discusses autonomous vehicles and whether they will be a realistic transportation option in the near future.
  • "On record: Dan Patrick, Texas Lieutenant Governor, author." By Gene Rose. State Legislatures, January 2018, pp. 24-25.
    Interviews Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick about Hurricane Harvey and ongoing recovery efforts.
  • "Top 10 in 2018." By Julie Lays. State Legislatures, January 2018, pp. 10-13.
    Highlights the biggest issues that will have a wide impact and presence in almost every state legislature in 2018.
  • "Courthouse security." By Julie Anderson. Texas County Progress, December 2017, pp. 12-14.
    Recounts two high-profile shootings that took place in Texas county courthouses and led the Texas Legislature to enact SB42, 85th Legislature, R.S.
  • "Closing the gap." By Joey Berlin. Texas Medicine, December 2017, pp. 22-28.
    Discusses the value and importance of SB507, 85th Legislature, R.S., which will greatly expand mediation for out-of-network medical bills. Notes additional measures that would help eliminate balance billing.
    See: https://www.texmed.org/Template.aspx?id=46160
  • "Difficult situations." By Joey Berlin. Texas Medicine, December 2017, pp. 37-42.
    Examines the Texas Advance Directives Act that was challenged in court in summer 2017. Explores the challenge of reconciling the wishes of a patient or the patient's health care decider with the ethical duties of a physician.
    See: https://www.texmed.org/Template.aspx?id=46157
  • "Bordering on an outbreak." By Sophie Novak. Texas Observer, December 2017, pp. 12-16.
    Details Brownsville's battle with the Zika virus. Considers how the South Texas climate and the international border pose challenges to the efforts to address Zika outbreaks.
  • "The silence breakers." By Edward Felsenthal, et al. Time, December 18, 2017, pp. 30-56, 58-62, 64, 66-68, 70-71 (Note Length).
    Presents Time Magazine's Person of the Year — the Silence Breakers — the people who have launched a "revolution of refusal" by speaking publicly about their experiences with sexual harassment and assault.
    See: http://time.com/time-person-of-the-year-2017-silence-breakers/

The Legislative Reference Library compiles this weekly annotated list of Current Articles of interest to the legislative community. Professional librarians review and select articles from more than 300 periodicals, including public policy journals, specialized industry periodicals, news magazines, and state agency publications. Members of the Texas legislative community may request articles using our online form.

Interim Hearings – Week of January 8, 2018

Today's Committee Meetings on the LRL website is a calendar of interim committee hearings with links to agendas. Below are resources related to upcoming Interim Hearings.


January 12

Charge: Use of federal funds in response to Hurricane Harvey, federal funds and investment in infrastructure projects to reduce impact of future natural disasters

Texas Recognition Months

Most people know of a few recognition months, like Black History Month in February and National Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October. However, Texas observes many more recognition and awareness months. Some are codified in Government Code § 662, Subchapter D. In addition, senators and representatives pass resolutions in each session to commemorate even more recognition months. 


Recognition months call attention to health issues, industries, groups of people, and more. Click here to see a list of all of the recognition months observed with resolutions by the 85th Legislature. There also are a plethora of recognition weeks and days that are codified in the Government Code and honored by the legislature. Below is a sampling of some of the lesser-known recognition months:



Human Trafficking Prevention Month (Government Code § 662.107)

National Glaucoma Awareness Month (HR 2682, 85R)



Self-Care Awareness Month (HR 592, 85R)



Bleeding Disorders Awareness Month (HR 177, 85RSR 58, 85R)

Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month (SR 446, 85R)



Texas Fruit and Vegetable Month (Government Code § 662.103)

Distracted Driving Awareness Month (HR 2686, 85R)



Postpartum Depression Awareness Month (Government Code § 662.110)

Fallen First Responder Awareness Month (HCR 86, 85R)



Post-Traumatic Stress Injury Awareness Month (HR 2647, 85R)

National Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month (HR 2687, 85R)



Buffalo Soldiers Heritage Month (Government Code § 662.101)

Train Safety Awareness Month (HCR 49, 85R)



National Immunization Awareness Month (HR 182, 85-1)



Hydrocephalus Awareness Month (Government Code § 662.106)

Hunger Action Month (HR 283, 85-1)



Persons with Disabilities History and Awareness Month (Government Code § 662.109)

Texas Pecan Month (HR 371 and HR 372, 85-1)



American Diabetes Month (HR 2692, 85R)

(None in December!)

Bills Effective on January 1, 2018

On January 1, 2018, 26 bills that passed during the regular session of the 85th Legislature will take effect. Eight additional bills have sections that will go into effect on January 1. 


Additionally, one bill that passed during the 84th Legislature will take effect on January 1.


To keep up with new laws throughout the year, check the Library's list of bill effective dates.

Research Minute: Finding Interim Charges

We’ve been sharing regular posts about upcoming interim hearings…but are you wondering where you can find information about all of the committees and the 350 charges? Currently, we have a link to the interim charges list on our homepage to make them easy to find. However, you also can use the Committees section of the LRL website to refine your research. 

  • Using Committees by session, you can see a list of all of the committees, and click on the committee’s name to view its interim charges. (Note that not all of the committees have received charges.) You also can select past sessions to view charges, committee members, etc., from past Legislatures. 
  • If you are looking for a particular committee, you can use Committee search to navigate directly to its page.
  • On our Legislative reports page, you can search committee charges in the second section of the page. Here, if you want to find every committee that has been assigned a topic that could potentially fall in the purview of multiple committees, you can use the “subject” or “charge text” box to search for that term. (See subject search results for "prescription drugs" below.)

When committees start submitting their reports in the months just before the next legislative session, you also can search on the legislative reports page to find those items.


Interim Hearings – Week of December 18, 2017

Today's Committee Meetings on the LRL website is a calendar of interim committee hearings with links to agendas. Below are resources related to upcoming Interim Hearings.


December 20

House Committee on Land & Resource Management (Corpus Christi)

Charge: General Land Office (GLO) role and efforts during the recovery period following Hurricane Harvey, disaster readiness and protocols, assessment of public lands

Current Articles and Research Resources, December 14

In this weekly post, we feature helpful research tools and recent articles of interest to the legislative community.

  • Review statistics related to the country's southern border. (U.S. Customs and Border Protection, December 5, 2017)
  • Read about the costs of the Trump Administration's goals for the military. (Congressional Budget Office, December 4, 2017)
  • Consider the legal aspects of shared parenting. (The Washington Post, December 11, 2017)
  • Explore the stunning images from the 2017 National Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year submissions. (National Geographic, ©2017)

Members of the Texas legislative community may request the articles below here or by calling 512-463-1252.

  • "The state of manufacturing." By Evan Hoopfer. Dallas Business Journal, November 24, 2017, pp. 4-6.
    Discusses the growth in manufacturing jobs and tracks how North Texas compares to its national and state counterparts.
  • "Disaster relief: defrauding the do-gooders." Economist, November 25th-December 1st, 2017, pp. 55-56.
    Reports countries are becoming more active in seeking to uncover and punish fraud related to humanitarian aid and natural and man-made disasters.
  • "Mental health: me, myself and iPhone." Economist, November 25th-December 1st, 2017, pp. 26, 28.
    Considers whether the current increase in the suicide rate among 15-to-19-year-olds coincides with the rise of social media and the time spent staring at phone screens.
  • "Why the Republican tax plans do nothing to help genuine small businesses." By Hunter Blair. EPI Issue Brief, November 29, 2017, pp. 1-8.
    Rebuts claims that Republican tax plans will help small businesses by lowering top tax rates on "pass-through" income. Explains the relationship between pass-through businesses and small businesses.
    See: http://www.epi.org/files/pdf/138390.pdf
  • "Making a case for sanctuary hospitals." By Altaf Saadi, Sameer Ahmed, and Mitchell H. Katz. JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association), December 5, 2017, pp. 2079-2080.
    Argues that hospitals should develop clear sanctuary policies so community members can seek medical care regardless of their immigration status. Highlights several Texas anecdotes in which patients were targeted by United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement [ICE] agents.
  • "The success of state newborn screening policies for critical congenital heart disease." By Alex R. Kemper, Wendy K.K. Lam, and Joseph A. Bocchini Jr. JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association), December 5, 2017, pp. 2087-2088.
    Reports that statewide implementation of mandatory newborn screening policies for critical congenital heart disease was associated with a significant decrease in infant cardiac deaths between 2007 and 2013.
  • "Electricity or natural gas: which holds the real price advantage?" By Mark Beyer. Public Utilities Fortnightly, December 2017, pp. 48-49.
    Compares the price advantages of electricity and natural gas.
  • "How does innovation impact customers?: no two are alike." By Sheri Givens. Public Utilities Fortnightly, November 2017, pp. 16-18.
    Considers how innovations impact residential utility customers. Suggests ways for utilities to accommodate innovations based on different customer preferences.
  • "For foster care kids, college degrees are elusive." By Teresa Wiltz. Stateline (Pew Charitable Trusts), December 7, 2017, pp. 1-4.
    Reports on state programs that help foster care youth get into and through college or vocational school.
    See: http://www.pewtrusts.org/en/research-and-analysis/blogs/stateline/2017/12/07/for-foster-care-kids-college-degrees-are-elusive
  • "More protection for property owners: how TAB influenced policy to protect homeowners during the 85th First Called Special Session." By Eddie Martin. Texas Builder, November/December 2017, pp. 23-24.
    Discusses efforts of the Texas Association of Builders relating to the home building industry and property rights in the 85th Legislature, 1st C.S., specifically relating to HB7 (tree credits for mitigation fees) and SB6 (annexation).
    See: http://www.texasbuilders.org/site/publisher/files/TXBuilder_NovDec17_FINAL.pdf#page=23
  • "Overcoming the storm." By Lorraine Urey. Texas Builder, November/December 2017, pp. 12-16.
    Surveys Hurricane Harvey's damage to Texas homes and describes the main obstacle facing the rebuilding effort: a skilled construction labor shortage. Mentions recent education reform in HB5, 83rd Legislature, R.S., allowing students to earn construction industry or trade certifications.
    See: http://www.texasbuilders.org/site/publisher/files/TXBuilder_NovDec17_FINAL.pdf#page=12
  • "A slap at employment law?" By W. Gary Fowler. Texas Lawyer, December 2017, pp. 24-25.
    Comments on recent court decisions concerning the impact of the Texas Citizens Participation Act on employment law issues such as defamation and trade secrets. Notes the law was enacted by HB2973, 82nd Legislature, R.S., as a way to prevent lawsuits that deter free speech.
  • "Giving up the gavel: after five terms as House speaker, Joe Straus calls it quits." By R.G. Ratcliffe. Texas Monthly, December 2017, pp. 54, 56.
    Offers Speaker Joe Straus' thoughts on why he decided not to run for reelection, what it takes to achieve success as Speaker, and whether he might be open to running for statewide office.
  • "An 87-year-old nun said she was raped in her nursing home. here’s why she couldn't sue." By Haley Sweetland Edwards. Time, November 27, 2017, pp. 54-59.
    Reports an increasing number of nursing homes are requiring incoming residents to sign arbitration agreements as a condition of admission. Notes residents are often unaware they have relinquished their legal rights to have claims of negligence and criminal conduct heard in court. Addresses an arbitration case involving rape.
    See: http://time.com/5027063/87-year-old-nun-said-she-was-raped-in-her-nursing-home/

The Legislative Reference Library compiles this weekly annotated list of Current Articles of interest to the legislative community. Professional librarians review and select articles from more than 300 periodicals, including public policy journals, specialized industry periodicals, news magazines, and state agency publications. Members of the Texas legislative community may request articles using our online form.

New & Noteworthy List for December 2017

The Library is continually adding new books to its collection. Below are the eight titles from our December 2017 New & Noteworthy list

Check out and delivery of New & Noteworthy titles is available to legislative staff in Capitol and District offices. To arrange check out and delivery of any of these items, you can submit an online request through the New & Noteworthy page on our website, contact the library at 512-463-1252, or use our PDF request form.


1. Divided We Stand: The Battle Over Women's Rights and Family Values That Polarized American Politics
By Marjorie Julian Spruill
Details the feminist National Women’s Conference and the conservative Pro-Life, Pro-Family Rally held simultaneously in Houston in November 1977. Describes the political figures and policy decisions that led to these conflicting events. Argues that the push and pull of these opposing women’s movements have played a key role in shaping our current political environment.
Bloomsbury, 2017. 436 pages.
305.4 SP88D 2017



2. Seeds of Empire: Cotton, Slavery, and the Transformation of the Texas Borderlands, 1800-1850
By Andrew J. Torget
Chronicles how Mexicans, Indians, Anglo-Americans, Europeans, and African Americans competed for space and power in the Texas borderlands, with the Atlantic cotton economy—and its reliance on slavery—being a driving force. Argues that the Republic of Texas was not simply a rebellion from Mexico but was also a “dress rehearsal” for the Confederacy and an attempt to build a cotton empire along the Gulf Coast of North America.
University of North Carolina Press, 2015. 353 pages.
338.1 T632S 2015



3. The Struggle to Reform Our Colleges
By Derek Curtis Bok
Examines the shortcomings of U.S. colleges, from disparities in the quality of education to racial/socioeconomic stratification to high costs, and the slow progress in addressing these challenges. Identifies initiatives and strategies that the author, a former president of Harvard University, believes would improve accountability, innovation, and the pace of reform.
Princeton University Press, 2017. 228 pages.
378.73 B637S 2017



4. A Texan Plan for the Texas Coast
By Jim Blackburn
Presents a Texas coastal protection solution that conserves natural resources and the long-term health and beauty of the coast, while encouraging economic growth and entrepreneurship, supporting the oil and gas industry, and valuing the traditions of the agricultural and ranching communities on the coast. Describes the assets of the Texas coast as "green" (natural ecological systems), "gray" (industrial and development infrastructure), and water. Includes recommendations on hurricane preparedness, surge flood prevention, and levee systems.
Texas A & M University Press, 2017. 305 pages.
976.4 B562T 2017



5. The Dukes of Duval County: The Parr Family and Texas Politics
By Anthony Carrozza
Examines the Parr family dynasty that swayed local and state elections primarily in Duval County but also across South Texas for over half a century. Documents how the Parrs, including former Texas Senator Archie Parr, rose to prominence from wealthy land owners to county and state officials who influenced Texas politics, including the election of Lyndon B. Johnson to the U.S. Senate. Explores how the Parr family was able to use its power and influence to avoid jail terms and justice until its regime ended in the 1970s.
University of Oklahoma Press, 2017. 427 pages.
976.4 C237D 2017



6. Tejano Leadership in Mexican and Revolutionary Texas
By Jesus F. de la Teja, ed.
Presents a collection of essays on the lives and careers of prominent as well as lesser-known but historically significant Tejano leaders and their role in the formation of Texas. Features José Antonio Navarro, Juan Seguín, and Plácido Benavides along with their little-known counterparts, including Father Refugio de la Garza, Juan Martín Veramendi, José Antonio Saucedo, Raphael Manchola, and Carlos de la Garza.
Texas A&M University Press, 2010. 252 pages.
976.4 T235T 2010



7. Tainted Breeze: The Great Hanging at Gainesville, Texas, 1862
By Richard B. McCaslin
Recounts the hanging of more than 42 alleged Unionist prisoners by the Citizens Court in Gainesville and the lynching of more prisoners in surrounding communities during the Civil War. Attributes a tradition of violence and vigilantism in North Texas, along with economic conditions and family relationships, as contributing factors to this dramatic event. Explores why those responsible for the Great Hanging were never prosecuted and why violence against families accused of Unionism continued long after the war ended.
Louisiana State University Press, 1994. 234 pages.
976.4 M128T 1994



8. New, Renamed, and Abolished State Government Entities: 85th Legislature
By Texas Legislative Council
Reports on state government agencies, interagency panels, advisory committees, and other state governmental entities created, restructured, or eliminated by legislation enacted in the 85th Legislature. Provides information about each entity, including the bill number and specific bill sections that contain provisions pertaining to the entity, effective dates, powers and duties of the entity or whether certain functions were transferred to another entity, membership information, and Sunset or expiration dates.
Texas Legislative Council, 2017. 41 pages.
Online at: http://www.tlc.state.tx.us/docs/sessions/85GovEntities.pdf
L1400.8 N42 2017

Session for the Holidays

Usually, the Texas Legislature is not in session around Christmas time. Since the 16th Legislature (1879), the regular session has begun in January and adjourned in May, generally avoiding winter holidays. (See Article 3141 of the 1879 Revised Statutes of Texas that established this schedule.) However, there were a few instances when sessions started in December and/or continued through the holidays.


In 1847, the 2nd Legislature began work on December 13, 1847, and concluded on March 20, 1848. The representatives and senators worked on Christmas Eve, which fell on a Friday that year. They did take a long weekend and reconvened on Tuesday, December 28. 


The 3rd Legislature not only convened on Christmas Eve in 1849 and returned to work on the day after Christmas, they also had a called session in 1850 that ran into the first few days of December. 


From the 3rd Legislature through the 8th Legislature, the senators and representatives convened in November and adjourned in February. Typically they met on Christmas Eve, then adjourned until December 26, but they sometimes took a longer break, particularly when the holiday fell on a weekend.


During the Civil War and Reconstruction years, the legislature’s regular sessions were less consistent. The 9th and 10th Legislatures convened in November, but adjourned in January and December, respectively. The 11th Legislature didn’t convene until August 1866, and the 12th Legislature didn’t begin its regular session till January 1871. During these years, if session fell around Christmas, the legislators generally only took Christmas Day off before returning to work.


After an act was passed by the 16th Legislature setting the day and time for session to begin biennially (now Government Code § 301.001), the possibility of session running into the winter holidays was mostly history. However, there are those special sessions! The 71st Legislature had six called sessions, with the second adjourning on December 12; the 72nd Legislature’s fourth called session adjourned on December 3.


These days, Government Code § 662.003 designates December 24-26 as a holiday, but in the days before Texas’ regular session had an officially mandated start time, anything was possible for the legislature! The LRL hopes you enjoy a wonderful holiday season. 


Images: top right, House Christmas tree; bottom left: Senate Christmas tree; cover image: detail of House tree.

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